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Display advertising rates

Open local rate and national advertising rate
$13 per column inch

Bulk advertising discounts
Total display advertising space used ruing the calendar month determines the rate for the month. All advertising is billed at the open rate, and the quantity discount is calculated at the end of the calendar month for all accounts paid on a current basis.
1 to 49 inches$13 per column inch
50 to 99 inches $12.50 per column inch
100 to 499 inches$11.50 per column inch
500 or more inches$10.50 per column inch

Combination rate
an additional $2.50 per column inch
Ad appears in The Commercial Review and The Dunkirk News and Sun, which is published weekly on Wednesdays, for a total circulation of 4,500.

Color rates
FULL COLOR in The Commercial Review — $200
FULL COLOR in The Commercial Review and News and Sun — $250

Column sizes
(in inches)
1 column = 1.642
2 columns = 3.413
3 columns = 5.185
4 columns = 6.957
5 columns = 8.728
6 columns = 10.5

Print - 3,500
Online at - average 27,000 unique visitors per month

The Commercial Review prints five days a week (Tuesday through Saturday) and updates as news breaks.

Special packages
Contract rates
One quarter-page ad per week — 6 months — $175 each (Regular price — $362.25 each)
Two quarter-page ads per week — 6 months — $125 each (Regular price — $362.25 each)
Four full-color half-page ads over a 3-month period — $250 each (Regular price — $787.50 each)

Small business packages
Package A – 8 2x2 ads per month for $222
Package B    – 4 2x4 ads per month for $222
Package C – 3 3x4 ads per month for $222

Online advertising
Expand your reach beyond print by utilizing our award-winning website at
Our reach: Average of 27,000 unique visitors per month

Banner ad
Actual size: 720 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall at 72 resolution

Tile ad
300 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall at 72 resolution

Month-by-month rates
Banner - $100 per month
Tile - $50 per month

Contract rates
Online ads purchased with a six-month commitment
Banner in rotation (all pages) — $75 per month
Any tile ad — $40 per month
Online ads will link through to your website, Facebook page or email address.

Lindsey Cochran, Ad rep

Tonia Hardy, Business manager

Ray Cooney, Publisher

309 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1049 Portland, IN 47371

(260) 726-8141

Display advertising deadline policy
Publication date          Standard deadline
Tuesday                        Noon Monday
Wednesday                  Noon Tuesday
Thursday  Noon Wednesday
Friday                           Noon Thursday
Saturday                      4 p.m. Wednesday
These deadlines allow us to provide all advertising customers a “proof” prior to publication. Upon ordering an advertisement, you will receive a proof at least 24 hours prior to publication. We ask that you review your ad and either approve it or notify us of any necessary changes. (This review is intended to catch errors, typos, missing information, etc., not to make wholesale changes.) If the advertiser does not respond to the proof, the ad will run as-is.

We will accept ads after the standard deadline up to 24 hours before publication.
    Publication date     Late deadline
    Tuesday         Noon Monday
    Wednesday         Noon Tuesday
    Thursday         Noon Wednesday
    Friday             Noon Thursday
    Saturday         4 p.m. Thursday
There will be a fee — 10% of the cost of your ad — for those turned in at the late deadline. We will attempt to get customers a proof, but cannot commit to doing so on short notice.

Pre-prints and sale bills
Pre-printed supplements
Prices listed per thousand
Card (8 1/2” x 11”)     $45
4 page tabloid/2 reg.    $50
8 page tab./4 reg.     $52
12 page tab./6 reg.     $58
16 page tab./8 reg.     $64
20 page tab./10 reg.    $70
Minimum pre-print supplement charge:    $140
Inquire about charges for pre-prints larger than 20 pages.
Pre-print inserts must be delivered to us 10 days prior to insertion in The Commercial Review.
The Commercial Review publishes five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday.

Sale bills
CR only - $6.95 per column inch
CR/NS - $8.95 per column inch
Sale Calendar Notices
When display sale ad appears in The Commercial Review - $50
1 Ad Insertion     10 Calendar Notices
2 Ad Insertions     15 Calendar Notices
3 Ad Insertions     20 Calendar Notices
Additional Insertions    $2.50

Sale calendar notices to appear in consecutive issues.
If no display sale ad is run in the newspaper, the regular classified rate will apply.
Limit 75 words.

Customer supplied artwork guidelines
Black and white printing:
1. Raster artwork: Please submit black and white images or grayscale images at 600 dpi for standard spot printing. If raster artwork is placed into a layout program (InDesign, Quark, etc.), the artwork can be colored per our guidelines.
2. Vector artwork: Every element of the file must be colored with spot colors (no RGB, CMYK, etc.).

Full color printing:
1. Every element of the file must be colored with process CMYK colors (no RGB, indexed color, etc.).
2. If RGB or other non-CMYK colors are used in your files, the necessary conversion to CMYK will change the appearance of the colors when we print, sometimes dramatically.

We accept files that are:
Acrobat PDFs   .pdf    Preferred
Adobe Photoshop CS3  .eps, .tif, .jpg    
Adobe Illustrator CS3   .eps    

We do not recommend any of the following software.
Compatibility and production errors/issues could occur.
Microsoft PowerPoint    Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel     Microsoft Publisher

NOTE: Files will be subject to resizing and/or remake to fit printed ad.
Application requirements
Adobe PDFs - Macintosh
1. All fonts must be embedded.
2. All elements of the file must be colored per our guidelines.
3. All placed graphics and images need to be high quality. Whenever possible, place vector images into the layout before converting to a PDF. Please be aware that when changes need to be made to placed images (coloring, mode, etc.), quality may be compromised.
4. Please name the PDFs without punctuation of any kind (except .pdf) or special characters. File names should be short.

Submitting your files
1. Files are accepted via email (preferred) at [email protected] or on flash/thumb drives, CD-Rs or DVDs.
2. DO NOT give us the only copy of your file. A copy of the original is preferred.

Column sizes (in inches)
    1 column = 1.642
    2 columns = 3.413
    3 columns = 5.185
    4 columns = 6.957
    5 columns = 8.728
    6 columns = 10.5
If you have questions pertaining to the size of your artwork, call (260) 726-8141 or email [email protected]

Important information
Our advertising staff (advertising rep Lindsey Cochran and business manager Tonia Hardy) can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (260) 726-8141 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Our circulation is 3,500 in print. We have average more than 27,000 unique visitors per month at

We publish five days a week — Tuesday through Saturday — in Jay County, Indiana, and the surrounding area.
Our website — — is updated frequently as news breaks.

Our open local rate and national advertising rate is $13 per column inch.
Discounts are applied to those who advertise 50 column inches or more per month.
See our contract rates and small business packages for additional discount offers.

Our deadline for display advertising is 48 hours prior to publication.
Pre-print and other specialized advertising will have earlier deadlines.




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250 X 250 AD

Display advertising rates

Open local rate and national advertising rate

$13 per column inch

Bulk advertising discounts
Total display advertising space used ruing the calendar month determines the rate for the month. All advertising is billed at the open rate, and the quantity discount is calculated at the end of the calendar month for all accounts paid on a current basis.

1 to 49 inches$13 per column inch
50 to 99 inches $12.50 per column inch
100 to 499 inches$11.50 per column inch
500 or more inches$10.50 per column inch

Combination rate
an additional $2.50 per column inch
Ad appears in The Commercial Review and The Dunkirk News and Sun, which is published weekly on Wednesdays, for a total circulation of 4,500.

Color rates
FULL COLOR in The Commercial Review — $200
FULL COLOR in The Commercial Review and News and Sun — $250

Column sizes
(in inches)
1 column = 1.642
2 columns = 3.413
3 columns = 5.185
4 columns = 6.957
5 columns = 8.728
6 columns = 10.5

Print - 3,500
Online at - average 27,000 unique visitors per month

The Commercial Review prints five days a week (Tuesday through Saturday) and updates as news breaks.

Special packages

Contract rates
One quarter-page ad per week — 6 months — $175 each (Regular price — $362.25 each)
Two quarter-page ads per week — 6 months — $125 each (Regular price — $362.25 each)
Four full-color half-page ads over a 3-month period — $250 each (Regular price — $787.50 each)

Small business packages
Package A – 8 2x2 ads per month for $222
Package B    – 4 2x4 ads per month for $222
Package C – 3 3x4 ads per month for $222

Online advertising
Expand your reach beyond print by utilizing our award-winning website at
Our reach: Average of 27,000 unique visitors per month

Banner ad
Actual size: 720 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall at 72 resolution

Tile ad
300 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall at 72 resolution

Month-by-month rates
Banner - $100 per month
Tile - $50 per month

Contract rates
Online ads purchased with a six-month commitment
Banner in rotation (all pages) — $75 per month
Any tile ad — $40 per month
Online ads will link through to your website, Facebook page or email address.

Lindsey Cochran, Ad rep

Tonia Hardy, Business manager

Ray Cooney, Publisher

309 W. Main St. P.O. Box 1049 Portland, IN 47371

(260) 726-8141

Display advertising deadline policy

Publication date          Standard deadline
Tuesday                        Noon Monday
Wednesday                  Noon Tuesday
Thursday  Noon Wednesday
Friday                           Noon Thursday
Saturday                      4 p.m. Wednesday
These deadlines allow us to provide all advertising customers a “proof” prior to publication. Upon ordering an advertisement, you will receive a proof at least 24 hours prior to publication. We ask that you review your ad and either approve it or notify us of any necessary changes. (This review is intended to catch errors, typos, missing information, etc., not to make wholesale changes.) If the advertiser does not respond to the proof, the ad will run as-is.

We will accept ads after the standard deadline up to 24 hours before publication.
    Publication date     Late deadline
    Tuesday         Noon Monday
    Wednesday         Noon Tuesday
    Thursday         Noon Wednesday
    Friday             Noon Thursday
    Saturday         4 p.m. Thursday
There will be a fee — 10% of the cost of your ad — for those turned in at the late deadline. We will attempt to get customers a proof, but cannot commit to doing so on short notice.

Pre-prints and sale bills

Pre-printed supplements
Prices listed per thousand
Card (8 1/2” x 11”)     $45
4 page tabloid/2 reg.    $50
8 page tab./4 reg.     $52
12 page tab./6 reg.     $58
16 page tab./8 reg.     $64
20 page tab./10 reg.    $70
Minimum pre-print supplement charge:    $140
Inquire about charges for pre-prints larger than 20 pages.
Pre-print inserts must be delivered to us 10 days prior to insertion in The Commercial Review.
The Commercial Review publishes five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday.

Sale bills
CR only - $6.95 per column inch
CR/NS - $8.95 per column inch
Sale Calendar Notices
When display sale ad appears in The Commercial Review - $50
1 Ad Insertion     10 Calendar Notices
2 Ad Insertions     15 Calendar Notices
3 Ad Insertions     20 Calendar Notices
Additional Insertions    $2.50

Sale calendar notices to appear in consecutive issues.
If no display sale ad is run in the newspaper, the regular classified rate will apply.
Limit 75 words.

Customer supplied artwork guidelines
Black and white printing:
1. Raster artwork: Please submit black and white images or grayscale images at 600 dpi for standard spot printing. If raster artwork is placed into a layout program (InDesign, Quark, etc.), the artwork can be colored per our guidelines.
2. Vector artwork: Every element of the file must be colored with spot colors (no RGB, CMYK, etc.).

Full color printing:
1. Every element of the file must be colored with process CMYK colors (no RGB, indexed color, etc.).
2. If RGB or other non-CMYK colors are used in your files, the necessary conversion to CMYK will change the appearance of the colors when we print, sometimes dramatically.

We accept files that are:
Acrobat PDFs   .pdf    Preferred
Adobe Photoshop CS3  .eps, .tif, .jpg    
Adobe Illustrator CS3   .eps    

We do not recommend any of the following software.
Compatibility and production errors/issues could occur.
Microsoft PowerPoint    Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel     Microsoft Publisher

NOTE: Files will be subject to resizing and/or remake to fit printed ad.
Application requirements
Adobe PDFs - Macintosh
1. All fonts must be embedded.
2. All elements of the file must be colored per our guidelines.
3. All placed graphics and images need to be high quality. Whenever possible, place vector images into the layout before converting to a PDF. Please be aware that when changes need to be made to placed images (coloring, mode, etc.), quality may be compromised.
4. Please name the PDFs without punctuation of any kind (except .pdf) or special characters. File names should be short.

Submitting your files
1. Files are accepted via email (preferred) at [email protected] or on flash/thumb drives, CD-Rs or DVDs.
2. DO NOT give us the only copy of your file. A copy of the original is preferred.

Column sizes (in inches)
    1 column = 1.642
    2 columns = 3.413
    3 columns = 5.185
    4 columns = 6.957
    5 columns = 8.728
    6 columns = 10.5
If you have questions pertaining to the size of your artwork, call (260) 726-8141 or email [email protected]

Important information

Our advertising staff (advertising rep Lindsey Cochran and business manager Tonia Hardy) can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (260) 726-8141 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Our circulation is 3,500 in print. We have average more than 27,000 unique visitors per month at

We publish five days a week — Tuesday through Saturday — in Jay County, Indiana, and the surrounding area.
Our website — — is updated frequently as news breaks.

Our open local rate and national advertising rate is $13 per column inch.
Discounts are applied to those who advertise 50 column inches or more per month.
See our contract rates and small business packages for additional discount offers.

Our deadline for display advertising is 48 hours prior to publication.
Pre-print and other specialized advertising will have earlier deadlines.




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250 X 250 AD