February 5, 2016 at 3:07 p.m.

town of pennville ordinance 2016

Public Notice ORDINANCE 2016 AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 2015 RELATING TO THE WATER & SEWAGE RATES AND GALLON USAGE THE TOWN OF PENNVILLE DOES HEREBY AMEND THE ORDINANCE 2015 SECTION 1 OF WATER RATES IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: (A) Consumption per Month Rate Per 1,000 Gallons Next 5.000 $8.61 Next 15,000 $7.16 Next 30,000 $7.97 Next 50,000 $4,28 Over 50,000 $2.86 (B) Minimum Charge Each user shall pay a minimum charge in accordance with the size of the meter installed, for which the user will be entitled to the quantity of water set in the metered schedule of rates. This charge will be for up to 3,000 gallons usage. Size of Meter Per Month 5/8 - 3/4 inch meter $23.96 up to 3,000 gallons 1 inch meter $43.02 1 1/4 inch meter $78.96 1 1/2 inch meter $114.89 2 inch meter $201.10 (C) Flat Rate The minimum flat rate charge per month shall be $23.96 5/8ยท3/4" meter up to 3,000 gallons $43.02 1" meter $78.96 1 1/4" meter $114.89 1 1/2" meter $201.10 2" meter based on the size of meter service that you have. There is no charge to have your service turned off. (D) Fire Hydrant Rental Public and private hydrant rental shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) per year (E) Tap Charges A tap charge shall be collected from each customer, prior to connection to the water system, in an amount Sufficient to reimburse the Town for the labor and material necessary for tapping the main and installation of service from the main to the curb stop and the cost of furnishing and installing a suitable water meter. The charge for the 5/8" - 3/4" installation shall be in the amount of Four Hunqred Dollars ($400,00). The .charge for a 1" or larger service shall be labor and material cost incurred. (F) Water Deposit A water deposit in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) shall be collected from each customer prior to service of the water. Your service starts from the day it is turned on, be it one day or 30 for the month you will be charged a mimium bill. A property owners deposit shall be reimbursed after one year of no delinquent payments. For renters the Deposit Shall be returned to the renter upon payment of all bills and after moving. After 30 days the deposit shall be be applied to any balance due. (G) Collection and Deferred Payment Charges All bills shall be due and payable monthly, and bills unpaid more than 10 days following the date of billing shall include a collection charge of 10% on the balance of unpaid water billing. An additional charge of Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) shall be collected for turning off or turning on thereafter any water service that is delinquent in payment. (H) Real Estate Owner Liability That the owners of all real estate located in the Town of Pennville, Jay County, Indiana, be liable and responsible for the payment of all water services furnished by the Town of Pennville to the Owners of said real estate. SECTION 2 All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed; provided, however, that the existing schedule of water rates and charges shall remain in full force and effect until the schedule of rates and charges fixed by this ordinance shall be approved by the Pennville Town Council. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Pennville Town Council. SECTION 3 OF SEWAGE RATES IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS (A) The quantity of water used per month by all user classes shall be as follows Quantity of Water Used Per Month Rate Per Month Per 1,000 Gallon By All User User Debit Total Classed Charge Service Next 5,000 gallons $2.96 $2.42 $5.54 Next 15,000 gallons $2.96 $1.64 $4.74 Next 30,000 gallons $2.96 $0.87 $3.94 All Over 30,000 gallons $2.96 $0.10 $3.15 Domestic users who do not have a metered municipal supply of water shall be charged a Flat Rate of $24.14 per month. (B) The minimum charge for any service where the user is a metered water customer shall be based on the size of such water meter and shall be.as follows Size of Meter Per Month 5/8 - 3/4 inch meter $15.06 1 inch meter $29.03 1 1/4 inch meter $41.49 1 1/2 inch meter $62.20 2 inch meter $113.99 school 3 inch meter $186.51 4 inch meter $362.68 6 inch meter $725.32 (C) Tap Charge A tap charge shall be collected from each customer, prior to connection to the sewage system, in an amount sufficient to reimburse the town for labor and material necessary for tapping the sewer main to the property line and the cost of furnishing and installing a suitable sewage system. The charge shall be in the amount of Six Hundred Dollars $600.00. In all other respects said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect Passed and adopted by the Pennville Town Council, Pennville, Indiana, on the 5th day of January, 2016. Rodne E. Penrod Alicia Corwin Millie A. Ellis Town Council President Town Council Member Town Council Member Attest: Krista M. Scholer Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Pennville CR 2-8-2016- HSPAXLP



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