February 19, 2016 at 7:37 p.m.

manley deas kochalski summons by publication gabbard

Public Notice MDK # 15-024403 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF JAY, S IN THE JAY CIRCUIT COURT CAUSE NO. 38C01-1510-MF-000049 Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company Plaintiff, vs. Mary C. Gabbard (deceased), et al. Defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION TO: Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Mary C. Gabbard and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Mary C. Gabbard: BE IT KNOWN, that Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company, the above-named Plaintiff, by its attorney, Amanda L. Krenson, has filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jay Circuit Court its Complaint against Defendant Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Mary C. Gabbard and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Mary C. Gabbard, and the said Plaintiff having also filed in said Clerk’s office the affidavit of a competent person showing that the residence and whereabouts of the Defendant, Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Mary C. Gabbard and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of Mary C. Gabbard, upon diligent inquiry is unknown, and that said cause of action is for default on the promissory note and to foreclose a mortgage on the following described real estate in Jay County, State of Indiana, to wit: Part of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-three, Township Twenty-four North, Range Twelve East, more particularly described as: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 24 North, Range 12 East, for the point of beginning, thence South 88 degrees 30 minutes East 1020.6 feet on the North line of said Quarter Section to a point, thence South 1 degree 30 minutes West 380 feet to stake; thence North 88 degrees 30 minutes West 1020.6 feet parallel to the North line of said Quarter section; thence North 1 degree 30 minutes East 380 feet on the West line of said Quarter section to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the following: Part of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty-three, Township Twenty-four North, Range Twelve East, more particularly described as: Commencing at the Northwest corner, per Jay County Surveyor's record, of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 24 North, Range 12 East, thence Easterly on and upon the North line of said quarter 288.00 feet to a P-K nail, for the point of beginning, thence continuing Easterly on and upon said line 732.60 feet to a P-K nail; thence Southerly parallel to the West line of said quarter 380.00 feet to a 3 inch diameter wood corner post; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said quarter 732.60 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rebar; thence Northerly parallel to the West line of said quarter 380.00 feet to the point of beginning. Also Excepting therefrom the following: A part of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 24 North, Range 12 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Penn Township, Jay County, Indiana: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of Township 24 North, Range 12 East for the point of beginning; thence North 88° 54' 27" East along the North line of the Southwest quarter, a distance of two hundred and eighty eight (288.00) feet to an iron pin; thence South 0° 10' 00" West parallel to the West line of the said Southwest quarter, a distance of the hundred and ninety (190.00) feet to an iron pin; thence South 88° 54' 27" West parallel to the North line of the said Southwest quarter, a distance of two hundred and eighty eight (288.00) feet to an iron pin on the West line of the said Southwest quarter; thence North 0° 10' 00" East (assumed bearing) along the West line of the said Southwest quarter, a distance of the hundred and ninety (190.00) feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.256 acres, more or less. Including that manufactured home more specifically described as 1997 Champion Home Builders Ontario with a Serial No. 54979140061. commonly known as 3439 North 1100 West, Pennville, IN 47369. NOW, THEREFORE, said Defendant is hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said Complaint against them and that unless they appear and answer or otherwise defend thereto within thirty (30) days after the last notice of this action is published, judgment by default may be entered against said Defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated Clerk, Jay Circuit Court Amanda L. Krenson (28999-61) Stephanie A. Reinhart (25071-06) Sarah E. Willms (28840-64) John R. Cummins (11532-10) Chris Wiley (26936-10) Miranda D. Bray (23766-30) Gail C. Hersh, Jr. (26224-15) Nicholas M. Smith (31800-15) Leslie A. Wagers (27327-49) J. Dustin Smith (29493-06) Attorneys for Plaintiff MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI LLC P.O. Box 441039 Indianapolis, IN 46244 CR 2-8,15-2016- HSPAXLP



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