August 2, 2019 at 4:41 p.m.
Camping policy needs to be fair
Letters to the Editor
To the editor:
It’s almost time for camping at the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor Show Grounds.
If you are a volunteer, you are assured of a camping area ahead of everyone else. One volunteer marked off a spot for 11 campers in 2018.
The people that volunteer are valuable.
But what about the people who bring tractors, small engines, helicopters, bulldozers, steam engines and anything else that we don’t get paid for bringing to make the show. We are volunteers also.
For 18 years we camped in the same general area. First come, first-served worked out fine for many years.
Now, southwest of the ditch is already roped off before Saturday morning at 7 a.m.
First-come, first serve is fair to everyone. Being fair to all volunteers makes more sense.
Betty Miller
It’s almost time for camping at the Tri-State Gas Engine and Tractor Show Grounds.
If you are a volunteer, you are assured of a camping area ahead of everyone else. One volunteer marked off a spot for 11 campers in 2018.
The people that volunteer are valuable.
But what about the people who bring tractors, small engines, helicopters, bulldozers, steam engines and anything else that we don’t get paid for bringing to make the show. We are volunteers also.
For 18 years we camped in the same general area. First come, first-served worked out fine for many years.
Now, southwest of the ditch is already roped off before Saturday morning at 7 a.m.
First-come, first serve is fair to everyone. Being fair to all volunteers makes more sense.
Betty Miller
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