August 4, 2023 at 2:42 p.m.
Jenna Bricker, Austin Dirksen and Anna Brewer topped the list of exhibitors July 9 in the 4-H poultry show at the Jay County Fair.
Bricker showed the grand champion exhibition bird while Dirksen’s turkey was the grand champion meat bird and Brewer won grand champion overall commercial egg production.
Madi Paxson won both senior and advanced showmanship. Brothers Finn and Tuck Hemmelgarn took the top spot in junior and beginner showmanship, respectively, with Finn also finishing as runner-up to Paxson in the senior division.
Reserve champions were Jacob Monroe for meat bird, Joseph Kunk for exhibition bird and Finn Hemmelgarn for commercial egg production.
Other awards were as follows:
Meat production
1. Austin Dirksen
2. Duston Muhlenkamp
Meat hen
1. Duston Muhlenkamp
2. Kinze Homan
Champion: Austin Dirksen
Reserve champion: Duston Muhlenkamp
Commercial chicken
1. Jacob Monroe
2. Joshua Monroe
1. Joshua Monroe
2. Jacob Monroe
Champion: Jacob Monroe
Reserve champion: Joshua Monroe
Production waterfowl
1. Megan Faller
1. Lilly Lothridge
2. Brianna Faller
Champion: Lilly Lothridge
Reserve champion: Brianna Faller
Commercial eggs
White shell
1. Ty Paxson
2. Madi Paxson
Brown shell
1. Ty Paxson
2. Madi Paxson
1. Madi Paxson
2. Ty Paxson
Champion: Ty Paxson
Reserve champion: Madi Paxson
Commercial egg production
White laying pullets
1. Madi Paxson
2. Audrey Hambrock
White laying hens
1. Ty Paxson
2. Claire Skirvin
Champion: Ty Paxson
Reserve champion: Madi Paxson
Brown laying pullets
1. Ty Paxson
2. Tuck Hemmelgarn
Brown laying hens
1. Anna Brewer
2. Madi Paxson
Champion: Anna Brewer
Reserve champion: Madi Paxson
Colored laying pullets
Champion: Finn Hemmelgarn
Reserve champion: Sawyer Hemmelgarn
Large fowl
American pullet
1. Madi Paxson
2. Brianna Faller
American Hen
1. Anna Brewer
2. Ty Paxson
American cockerel
1. Jenna Bricker
American cock
1. Joseph Kunk
2. Kinley Brunson
American large fowl
Champion: Joseph Kunk
Reserve champion: Madi Paxson
Asiatic pullet
1. Ty Paxson
2. Claire Skirvin
Asiatic cock
1. Ty Paxson
Asiatic large fowl
Champion: Ty Paxson
Reserve champion: Claire Skirvin
Continental pullet
1. Madi Paxson
2. Madi Paxson
Continental hen
1. Jenn Bricker
Continental cockerel
1. Madi Paxson
Continental cock
1. Jenna Bricker
2. Kinley Brunson
Continental large fowl
Champion: Madi Paxson
Reserve champion: Jenna Bricker
English pullet
1. Audrey Hambrock
English hen
1. Keisha Adair
2. Audrey Hambrock
English cockerel
1. Audrey Hambrock
2. Claire Skirvin
English Cock
1. Keisha Adair
2. Madi Paxson
Champion: Keisha Adair
Reserve champion: Audrey Hambrock
Mediterranean hen
1. Joseph Kunk
Mediterranean cockerel
1. Claire Skirvin
Mediterranean large foul
Champion: Joseph Kunk
Reserve champion: Claire Skirving
All other standard breeds
Champion: Claire Skirvin
Reserve champion: Keisha Adair
Large fowl
Champion: Claire Skirvin
Reserve champion: Keisha Adair
All other non-standard breeds
Champion: Keisha Adair
Large fowl breeding pen
1. Audrey Hambrock
2. Ty Paxson
Overall large fowl exhibition
Grand champion: Joseph Kunk
Reserve grand champion: Ty Paxson
Exhibition wildlife
Turkey - Tom
1. Ty Paxson
2. Claire Skirvin
Turkey - hen
1. Keisha Adair
1. Jenna Bricker
2. Keisha Adair
1. Ty Paxson
2. Levi Garringer
1. Jenna Bricker
Champion: Ty Paxson
Reserve champion: Jenna Bricker
Exhibition waterfowl
1. Corbin Lothridge
2. Brianna Faller
1. Claire Skirvin
2. Kinley Brunson
1. Lilly Lothridge
1. Lilly Lothridge
Overall exhibition waterfowl
Champion: Corbin Lothridge
Reserve champion: Brianna Faller
Modern game hen
1. Claire Skirvin
Modern game bantam
Champion: Claire Skirvin
Old English game hen
1. Corbin Lothridge
2. Claire Skirvin
Old English game cockerel
1. Jenna Bricker
Old English game cock
1. Jenna Bricker
2. Madi Paxson
Old English game bantam
Champion: Jenna Bricker
Reserve champion: Madi Paxson
Single comb clean legged hen
1. Joseph Kunk
2. Keisha Adair
Single comb clean-legged cockerel
1. Claire Skirvin
Single comb clean-legged cock
1. Claire Skirvin
2. Aven Hambrock
Single comb clean-legged bantam
Champion: Claire Skirvin
Reserve champion: Claire Skirvin
Rose comb clean-legged hen
1. Joseph Kunk
Rose comb clean-legged cockerel
1. Claire Skirvin
Rose comb clean-legged cock
1. Kinley Brunson
Rose comb clean-legged bantam
Champion: Joseph Kunk
Reserve champion: Claire Skirvin
Feather-legged pullet
1. Keisha Adair
Feather-legged hen
1. Ayva Pitman
2. Ayva Pitman
Feather-legged cock
1. Claire Skirvin
2. Aven Hambrock
Feather-legged bantam
Champion: Claire Skirvin
Reserve champion: Ayva Pitman
All other combs clean hen
1. Claire Skirvin
All other combs clean cock
1. Joseph Kunk
All other combs clean bantam
Champion: Joseph Kunk
Reserve champion: Claire Skirvin
Bantam breeding pen
1. Jenna Bricker
2. Ty Paxson
Overall bantam exhibition
Grand champion: Jenna Bricker
Reserve champion: Joseph Kunk
Overall exhibition bird
Grand champion: Jenna Bricker
Reserve grand champion: Joseph Kunk
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