October 27, 2023 at 9:20 p.m.

Exception OK’d for wedding venue

Runyon plans to renovate barns to maintain rustic feel


Plans are in the works for a new wedding venue in rural Bryant.

Jay County Board of Zoning Appeals approved a special exception request Thursday for Dawn Runyon to build a wedding and entertainment venue at 7800 N. 125 West. Runyon plans to turn three old barns on the property into a 5,000-square-foot venue for about 150 guests.

“The intent is to maintain the historical integrity of the barns for rustic-themed weddings and gatherings,” Runyon said in her letter of intent to the board. 

Runyon explained at the meeting she and her husband had two options for the land, which is zoned agriculture-residential property. They had discussed reconstructing the barns into a venue or turning them into a confined feeding operation for hogs.

She said they decided on the former, which will allot 3,000 square feet for reception functions and 2,000 square feet for the kitchen, restrooms, changing rooms and storage. There will also be an outdoor patio and space for 75 vehicles.

Andy and Liz Jones, Berne residents who have property across from the site, expressed concerns about the increased noise, lack of privacy and more traffic and dust on the road.

“We bought our property, tried to turn it into a small getaway,” said Andy Jones. “We’ve worked on it for the last couple years, planted trees, whatever, made it a recreation property for the use of just that, just getting away.”

“The main thing is, I don’t wanna hear a bass running until … I think it was 11 o’clock,” he continued.

Runyon said she would stay in compliance with any noise ordinances enacted in the rural area, which is located in Jackson Township. 

She pointed out currently there is not one, but confirmed she plans for music to go until 10 or 11 p.m.

John Hemmelgarn, director of Jay/Portland Building and Planning, also confirmed with Runyon the music will be contained inside the building. (She later noted the only time music would be played outside would be during a possible wedding waltz, which would be around 3 p.m.)

The patio is on the west side of the facility, Runyon pointed out, which is in the opposite direction of the Jones’ property. Hemmelgarn added there are also trees separating the properties.

“The only thing that I would think you’re going to hear is, if the wind is blowing in that direction, and if someone opens the door, you may hear a slight echo,” said Runyon.

Andy Jones noted their property is predominately downwind, pointing out they hear vehicles from Indiana 18 regularly. Runyon said she thinks the highway traffic noises they hear will be louder than sounds coming from their venue.

Jones told the board his family uses their property for camping on the weekends, similar to the hours the wedding venue would be operational. (Runyon later noted she would host events on Saturdays only.)

“You do understand the park that you have, for recreation, isn’t necessarily a permitted use in that area also, so they’re asking for a special exception for something to enjoy the peace and quiet of that area,” said Hemmelgarn.

Andy Jones said he had more plans for the area, and Liz Jones added they may build a house on the property someday.

“But we can’t hinge that on ‘ifs,’ you know, this is in front of us right now, and the board has to decide whether they want to grant that special exception,” continued Hemmelgarn. “Kind of like your campgrounds, not necessarily permitted but it’s not necessarily something that’s technically enforced, so, everybody has a freedom to a certain degree at the property they use …”

Board members Scott Hilfiker, Angela Paxson and Caleb Hemmelgarn approved the special exception request, with Marla Lutes dissenting and Steve Ford absent.




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