May 20, 2024 at 1:26 p.m.

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Class of ’24 encouraged to overcome obstacles, remember lessons and make a positive difference
Fort Recovery High School’s Owen Knapke gets a hug after Sunday’s graduation ceremony at Fort Site Fieldhouse. He was one of 77 FRHS students in the Class of 2024 who were encouraged to chase their own expectations, remember the lessons they have learned thus far and seek to make a positive impact on the world. (The Commercial Review/Ray Cooney)
Fort Recovery High School’s Owen Knapke gets a hug after Sunday’s graduation ceremony at Fort Site Fieldhouse. He was one of 77 FRHS students in the Class of 2024 who were encouraged to chase their own expectations, remember the lessons they have learned thus far and seek to make a positive impact on the world. (The Commercial Review/Ray Cooney)

Overcome pressure and rise above expectations.

Remember lessons learned.

Serve others.

Those were the messages shared Sunday as Fort Recovery High School celebrated the 77 members of its Class of 2024.

Valedictorian Carson Grube addressed expectations, including his own that he would not be on the stage giving a speech at the ceremony. (He said he always felt it would be Trevor Heitkamp, the salutatorian, and Teigen Fortkamp, who as class president delivered the opening prayer.)

He said expectations from parents, teachers and classmates can be stressful but, in his case, they caused him to work harder. 

Ultimately, though, he said each individual’s own expectations rise above all others, and he encouraged his classmates to meet and exceed whatever dreams for which they are striving.

“Whether it be in college, the workforce or the military, we are all going to expect great things out of ourselves, our family and our future,” he said. “We will fail at times, but we will get through the obstacles that come our way.”

Heitkamp followed by describing three lessons he and his classmates have learned over the years:

•The value of practice — Via working to learn Pythagorean triples (any three positive integers that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem) with math teacher Janice Osterloh

•The importance of teamwork — Through their freshman biology project to dissect a frog, during which “strong-willed” classmates teamed up with the more “feint of heart” to achieve a common goal

•The importance of gratitude — By way of appreciation for all of the teachers, administrators, staff, parents, community members and friends who have supported them through the years.

He encouraged his classmates to remember those values as they move forward in life.

“We all have our own unique paths ahead, but we have a common path behind us,” Heitkamp said. “No one knows what the future holds, but what we do know is that the Class of 2024 has a strong foundation rooted in our communal values. …

“These are the lessons our family, teachers and community have taught us. These are the lessons we will carry with us.”

Liberty Pohlman receives her diploma from school board member Greg LeFevre during Sunday’s Fort Recovery High School graduation ceremony at Fort Site Fieldhouse. (The Commercial Review/Ray Cooney)


Principal Ryan Steinbrunner, who is finishing his first year at the high school after previously serving as middle school principal, built off of Heitkamp’s comments as he discussed not only those who have had an impact on students’ lives thus far but also those who will continue to shape them in the years to come.

“Surround yourself with people who uplift you, who challenge you to be better, who inspire you to reach your full potential,” he said.

Steinbrunner talked about the importance of kindness, respect and empathy in interactions with others. He also touched on the importance of community service, saying it teaches humility, fosters gratitude and broadens perspective.

“As you venture into the world beyond school, I encourage you to carry the spirit of service with you,” he said. “Look for opportunities to contribute to your communities, wherever you may find yourselves. Understand that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to create a ripple effect, touching lives in ways you may never realize.”

He encouraged them to embrace challenges with confidence and said the support of Fort Recovery will always be behind them.

“Remember your journey is not just about personal achievement, it’s about the impact you leave on the hearts and minds of those you encounter,” Steinbrunner said. “In this life, success is not measured by the accolades you receive or the material possessions you acquire. It is measured by the positive difference you make in the lives of others.”




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