March 24, 2025 at 2:36 p.m.
Use tips to cope with weather roller coaster
By By Olivia Smith
It is that time of year for everyone.
The weather is all over the place, tasks are piling up and people are seeming to become more annoying.
Spring is here.
After a long, busy winter and an endless to-do list, we all get a burst of energy and hope the second the sun comes out. Campus comes alive like hibernating animals out of their caves. College students are outside tanning, playing games and walking with friends. No matter how much homework there is, life will be OK.
But then the Midwest weather turns, and we are back to cold, dreary and rainy weather. The tasks keep piling up, but there isn’t enough time to complete everything.
It isn’t just college kids feeling this weather roller coaster, so I have some advice for the second and third winter of the Midwest.
•Write a daily to-do list. I struggle with thinking too far in advance and end up not getting anything done because I don’t know where to start. Look at what is needed by tomorrow and write that down. Don’t worry about what is due the day after tomorrow or later until what needs to be done by tomorrow is done.
•Work ahead if possible, but in small amounts. If you have a big project or an exam to study for, do small bits each day instead of doing it all in one day, which takes hours. Study 10 terms or write a paragraph. It helps the stress of not working on it and lets you know what to focus on the day before.
•Give yourself grace. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a lot to do and haven’t done as much as you should. Being hard on yourself will make the tasks ahead more daunting and seem harder than they actually are.
•Take breaks when you need to. Allow yourself time to recharge and refocus your mind. This could be taking a quick walk, getting some nice cold water, or grabbing food. Give yourself a weekend to do nothing other than nap and read while it rains outside. Taking a break is OK and helps you return to work ready to take it on.
The weather may not seem like a big deal in what we do, but it can make life a bit harder when it’s been cold and dreary for this long. The most important thing to remember is that you are not doing this alone.
In stressful times, God reminds us to “be still and know that he is God” (Psalm 46:10).
The Lord will help us through the small assignments and the challenging aspects of life.
You need only to let him.
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