Landmark directions can confuse
It was time to hit the road.
Forgery will still serve a purpose
What do you do with a fake?
Mess has expanded to four desks
How is it possible for one man to have so many messy desks?
Hiking bug left couple feeling itchy
Pardon me if I'm fidgety.
Weekend was for (editing) the birds
I take a lot of pictures of birds.
Redbud trees seem to live forever
Is it possible that redbud trees live forever?
Definition of old is a moving target
Okay, class, here’s a problem for you: Define “old.”
Friendship stays alive in memories
The email was just one word: “Sadly.”
Email from politician was welcome
I have never been so thrilled about hearing from Mike Braun.
Open eyes on a hike saved noses
The barking didn't stop.
Banking career just didn’t balance
You always remember your summer jobs.
Bottles, cups belong in the trash
There I was, walking down Main Street on the west side of Portland with a Bud Light bottle in each hand.
Former homes conjure memories
“Let’s go this way,” I said.
Stroll brings back school memories
Somehow, I missed the last day of school.
Next time, make sure you’re there
I can't be accused of trying to help sell tickets.
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