July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

A Christmas wish for the entire world (12/13/05)

Letter to the editor

To the editor:

Hello again, my friends.

I wanted to write and thank all of you for all the good years while I was a hostess at Richard’s. You were all so special to me. I remember all the laughs we enjoyed together and also all the hugs. I miss seeing all of you and I pray that my life touched you in a memorable way and that you won’t forget me.

I am sorry for anyone who I may have offended and I ask your forgiveness. I hope you are all doing well.

I wanted to write you about the birth of a baby whose birthday we celebrate every Christmas. This precious baby named Jesus was born to become the Savior of the world. He was born to be a King, but we couldn’t see His crown; it was invisible to us. In time He would wear one made of thorns that the cruel Roman soldiers made for him.

I want to tell you what the Bible says His Heavenly Father did for Him at His birth. Since Jesus Christ was a King, he used a bright eastern star to guide three Kings to glorify and worship their king. They brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh to bless His life. Then because Jesus would be our shepherd, He guided shepherds in their fields by the star to the manger where Jesus lay so they could worship their shepherd.

Psalm 23 says “The Lord is my shepherd. .” Jesus also said, “As a shepherd what man wouldn’t leave his 90 and 9 to go and find a lost sheep?” I want to say I was one of His lost sheep.

When I was six, my father took sick one night and he died the next day just as World War II started in 1941. It turned my life into a whirlwind of total devastation and uncertainty. I moved from place to place with no stability and extreme loneliness, sending me into a life I wasn’t prepared for and leading me to make all the wrong decisions.

I was raised by my grandmother to know who Jesus was, but that’s all I knew. I didn’t know that He would be with me all my life and that He was just a prayer away. I would find happiness but how wrong I was. Getting away from Jesus was the worst mistake I ever made. When Jesus came after me to bring me back it was the greatest day in my life.

I started over and found happiness for a few years. Then death touched my life again, taking my husband and most of my family. The difference this time in me was that I knew Jesus would be there. He says, He will never leave you nor forsake you.

He would take care of me. I didn’t really want to go on living but I asked Jesus if I had to, I would need Him to guide every step for the rest of my life. I can honestly tell you He has been so faithful and has provided for me more than I could ever tell you. I am so thankful that I found real happiness in putting my life in His hands.

Living on a farm many years I could not even imagine any baby being born in a stable, let along a King, God’s only Son. Many of us ladies might think it would be wonderful to have been Jesus’ mother, but I read in the Bible what she went through to just keep Him alive, moving from place to place night and day.

He was away from her a lot doing his Father’s will, preaching and teaching to all who would listen.

Then, after only 33 1/2 years he was tortured then crucified on an old rugged cross. Even though He told her He would be raised from the dead she didn’t understand but when He was it changed her life. She knew than she would see him again in Heaven. She is a remarkable example for us, that we can endure the worst situations with Jesus giving us the strength and love.

I am writing you this Christmas to encourage you to ask Jesus into your life. It’s God’s free gift to all of us and the reason Jesus was born. I especially want to urge young people who are just starting their lives on their own. Give your life to Him, asking His guidance and direction in every decision you make.

He has a special plan for each one of us beyond anything you could imagine. He will bring the most special people into your life that will encourage and be there for you in the worst of times. I am telling you this from my heart because it’s the worst mistake I ever made not doing this from the time my father died and for the rest of my days.

My first mistake was thinking I knew everything and that I had a right to do what I wanted with my life. We are so wrong, because without God’s wisdom and guidance the devil will bring the most wicked temptations into our lives that will cause us to suffer great sorrow later in life. His mission on this earth is to try to deceive each of us not to accept Jesus for who He says He is, our Savior who is the only one who can save us from our sins.

Satan wants to take us all to Hell with him, which will be forever and ever. We are so tempted to make all the wrong decisions because the things of the world all look like fun, but they will lead you into a life of darkness and sometimes even death. Folks, you see Jesus offers us just the opposite. He will give us love, happiness and peace within our hearts that we’re doing what’s right and trying to live the way He wants us to.

He never tells us life will be without trouble or sorrow, but He tells us He will help us go through each one and to have the will to go on. Now as I look back on my life and how difficult and sad it was, I can see how the Lord protected me from even much worse tragedies happening and I thank Him so much. It has been a long road and especially the last 18 years alone, but Jesus has been there and also my children to help me.

I still sometimes wonder why I am here but I can only pray my life has been an example to someone to see Jesus in my life. I am thankful that I have been able to live this long.

Folks, I have to tell you that time is running out for you to ask Jesus to save you and to forgive you of your sins. We only live from second to second and as we take our last breath we go to Heaven or Hell — it’s over; there’s no more time to change how we have lived.

The Bible says in the last days when it’s time for Jesus to return to take all who have lived for him in the Rapture that times like man has never known will begin, as Hell on earth. The word says as we see all the terrible and unparalleled disasters that are happening all over the world, and especially here in our own country, that Jesus coming is very near.

I know we have heard this all of our lives and so many of you think it’s just a myth, but believe me, just read your Bible. God’s word tells you exactly what’s going to happen. I know God is the only one who knows when He’s going to tell Jesus to go get His children. What a wonderful day that will be.

It grieves God to know that all of us are not going to accept Him because He loves us and wants us all to be in Heaven with Him. He only made Hell for the devil and all his demons. When the judgment of us is over and we are separated as the sheep and the goats into Heaven or Hell, He will close the door between the two and I know there will be tears in His eyes fro those who didn’t believe His word. You will never have to hear His name again or that you need to change your life because it will all be over.

If you want to know what Hell will be like just read your Bible. It’s a horrible place.

This Christmas give yourself and your family the greatest gift on earth by asking Jesus into your life. It is the only gift that God wants us to give Him — ourselves. You will feel a peace like you have never known. It doesn’t matter what you have done. He forgives all sin.

May you have a blessed Christmas.

With love,

Pat Armstrong

Portland[[In-content Ad]]



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