July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

Inmates praise treatment during outage (1/13/05)

Editor's Mailbag

By To the editor:-

To the editor:

We, the inmates at the Jay County Jail, want to show our appreciation for the good and fair treatment provided by county officials during the power outage we experienced.

We feel that considering the limited resources we had adequate lighting, heat and meals provided for us. Even when the road conditions were bad they made it to work and provided care for us and we personally want to say thank you.

Brenda Johnson and the female inmates of cell block 1, Jay County Jail

Dark thoughts

To the editor:

It has been 153 hours or 6.375 days since some of us have had power. I know this because it is 4 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 12 and I came to work in Geneva to have heat and lights. And I know that I am not alone in this; just one of the 33 percent that is still without.

My thoughts and prayers are constantly with the men and women with the electrical companies both from Indiana and out of state who are doing their best to get power restored. God bless you one and all.

Heavens to Betsy, please help us. However petty this must seem I feel it must be said. For those of you who have been blessed with the restoration of your power, please turn off your Christmas lights and electronically lighted window candles.

For those of us still without, it is insult on injury to see them. I have not read where conservation of power restored will help the electric companies, but I can certainly state for those of us who don’t have power restored it would certainly make us feel better if we knew you were trying to help, too.

That said, I would like to add my thanks to Village Pantry, LoBill Foods, Wal-Mart, Ponderosa, the Corner Cafe, Portland True Value and many others who have gone above and beyond to help us through this trying time. To my Amish friends and patrons in the Geneva area thank you for your support, advice and offer of lighting and heating products. And to those of you who have offered your homes to me and my dog and cat, many, many thanks. You know who you are.

In closing, give me the blizzard of 1978 any day compared to this ice. I only hope that isn’t a bad omen in saying that.

Melodi S. Haley


Outstanding service

To the editor:

Having worked in a supermarket during the blizzard of 1978, I can recall how chaotic things could be.

That is why I was so impressed with the gals who worked at the Portland Village Pantry during the recent ice storm.

I marveled at their courteous demeanor under hectic conditions. Whether serving coffee, mopping the floor, or ringing up newspapers, each and every employee was friendly while displaying a degree of patience that one could not help but admire.

On Thursday morning, it seemed like half the town was in Village Pantry, yet the gals were as organized as a well-oiled machine.

Many memories will linger from the recent ice storm. I will remember the eager-to-please employees of the Village Pantry and how they provided a ray of sunshine during an otherwise difficult time.


Jerry Sullivan


Ode to outage

To the editor:

The ice storm came. Trees and power lines fell. We felt like we were in a darkened hell.

It was days no signs of light. The lanterns burned and the kids would fight.

The generator quit and dad really hissed. The Wal-Mart store looked like the Christmas blitz.

No one has the voice to sing. And Yahtzee’s getting old. Yet there’s another storm coming, or so I’m told.

Doing drive-bys past home wishing lights were on. Wanting all this ice and stuff gone.

My husband’s telling the kids to quiet down. Yet if dad were up, he’d be goofin’ around.

We built a snowman and one with a top. We put a bikini on it wishing it was hot.

The house filled up with smoke today, the TV burned up. Oh, well, we couldn’t watch it anyway.

Dad kept seeing flickers in the night. It was the power company. Well, they left, and still no light.

My husband says this really sucks. The house is cold and we already spent our 30 bucks.

We boiled coffee on the stove. Wishing we were in Florida near the Dolphin Cove.

But we’re not, we’re stuck right here. Everyone wishing the power company is near.

Mom’s at the table writing memories galore. And me I’m just a total bore.

Dad is asleep, the kids starting to fight. We’ll put them to bed and tuck them in tight.

So we woke up this morning to a brand new day. Power will be on. Oh, how we pray.

We went to work and put on a grin. Only to come home to the house looking dim.

So soup and peanut butter is what it will be. The kids and mom once again playing yahtzee.

Bless the power company and bless them all. I just wish they’d get the lights on in my hall.

Well we’re getting ready for bed. I guess we’ll say goodnight.

And once again, “you got it,” we’ll pray for light.

--We would like to say thank you to all of the power companies and city employees for working such long hours.

We just thought a little humor would bring some light to someone in the dark.

God bless you all.

Barbara Somers

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