July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

JCHS honors seniors (5/11/04)

Honors Night 2004
JCHS honors seniors (5/11/04)
JCHS honors seniors (5/11/04)

There were lots of big smiles on the faces of Jay County High School students at Honors Night Monday.

More than $1.2 million in awards and scholarships were given out at Monday evening’s event held in the JCHS auditorium.

A large portion of the $1,219,388 total, was made up by $772,088 in scholarships offered by colleges, universities and tech schools. Also included was $60,700 in community awards.

The Portland Foundation added $145,200, and the Lilly Endowment awards totaled an estimated $232,000.

Military scholarships totaled $9,600.

The following is a complete list of the honors and scholarships presented Monday:

Academic Competition


Project XL

Nicole Best.

Quiz Bowl Team

Adam Ford, Paul Imel, Kristin Sollenberger.

Academic Team

Brittany Curts, Adam Ford, Paul Imel, Kristin Sollenberger.

Academic Honors Diploma

Katie Alberson, Andrew Baldauf, Tyler Bash, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Cortney Brinkley, Kelli Budde, Patrick Cavanaugh, Jennifer Chittum, Elizabeth Coleman, Eric Coleman, Brittany Curts, Deanna Drinkut, Joshua Eal, Andrew Enyart, Charles Feazell, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Lindsay Friddle, Cara Geesaman, Blake Hendricks, Parker Houck, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, Stephanie Imel, David Johnston, Meghan Knight, Drew Lloyd, Danielle Look, Alex Loucks, Emily Lyons, Isaac Marchand, Brittany Marshall, Rachel Mckee, Nathan Miller, Sarah Miller, Jay Muhlenkamp, Joshua Myers, Ashleigh Myers, Felisha Parr, Derek Powell, Corey Price, Stephanie Rines, Brittani Roll, Sally Ronald, Erin Schmiesing, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Daniel Scott, Jesse Shawver, Beth Siegrist, Kristin Sollenberger, Kristen Spahr, Jonathan Starr, Cassandra Theurer, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins and Heath Williams.

Attendance Award

Jay Muhlenkamp.

Daughters of the American Revolution

Winner: Emily Lyons Runner-Up: Sally Ronald.

Earth Watch Club

Joe Ankrom, Joe Ashley, Jenny Beaty, Nicole Best, Roger Boyd, Sara Faught, Daniel Fisher, Amanda Hicks, Christopher Murray, Kyle Myers.

Family and Consumer Science Award

Leslie Schwartzkopf, Kristen Spahr.

Foreign Exchange Student Recognition

Ada Bebi, Melanie Fischer, Dancia Jankovska, Annika Kuitzsck, Hiu-Yin Lin, Kentaro Ohgo, Dan Bee Park, Chatchanok Srirthara.

German Student Recognition

Andrew Baldauf, Delphia Flenar, Paul Imel.

Spanish Student Recognition

Adam Ford, Joshua Myers.

Latin Student Recognition

Brittany Curts, Joshua Eal, Sally Ronald.

Gammu Nu - Portland - Highest Grade Point Average

Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Danielle Look, Emily Lyons, Jay Muhlenkamp.

Social Studies/Kiwanis

Emily Lyons.

Social Studies/American Legion

Sally Ronald.

Hoosier Boys State

Paul Imel, Daniel Scott.

Hoosier Girls State

Portland/Bryant — Vanessa Wilkins.

Dunkirk — Delphia Flenar, Meghan Knight.

Pennville — Elizabeth Coleman, Kendra Hutchison.

Jay Today — Outstanding Contribution

Katie Alberson, Ashley Clark, Jordan Enyart, Charles “Chip” Feazell, Lindsay Friddle, Cara Geesaman, Blake Hendricks, Brittany Marshall, Sarah Miller, Robert (Tony) Minch, Nathan Myers, Dustin Overton, Daniel Scott, Beth Siegrist, Dustin Steen Nicole VanSkyock.

Mathematics/Mathematics and Science

Mathematics: Katie Alberson, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford.

Mathematics and Science: Katie Alberson, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford.

Mathematics and Science U.S. Air Force

Katie Alberson and Adam Ford.

Bausch and Lomb Science Award

Adam Ford.

Science Award

Katie Alberson, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, David Johnston.

Senior Class Officers

President: Katie Alberson.

Vice President: Leslie Schwartzkopf.

Secretary: Delphia Flenar.

Treasurer: Anna Huey.

Student Council

President: Ashley Clark.

Vice President: Brittany Curts.

Secretary: Nicole Towell.

Treasurer: Adam Ford.

Sgt. at Arms: Josh Pitman.

National Scholar Athlete/Army Reserve

Nicole VanSkyock, Alex Loucks.

U.S. Marine Distinguished Athlete Scholastic Excellence /Semper Fidelis

Scholastic Excellence: Emily Lyons, Adam Ford.

Semper Fidelis: Brittany Marshall, Adam Ford.

Distinguished Athlete: Beth Siegrist, David Johnston.

President’s Academic Fitness 3.5 GPA Involvement

Katie Alberson, Andrew Baldauf, Tyler Bash, Ada Bebi, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Cortney Brinkley, Kelli Budde, Jennifer Chittum, Elizabeth Coleman, Brittany Curts, Deanna Drinkut, Joshua Eal, Andrew Enyart, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Blake Hendricks, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, David Johnston, Meghan Knight, Danielle Look, Alex Loucks, Emily Lyons, Rachel McKee, Sarah Miller, Jay Muhlenkamp, Joshua Myers, Felisha Parr, Andrea Reynolds, Stephanie Rines, Brittani Roll, Sally Ronald, Erin Schmiesing, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Jesse Shawver, Beth Siegrist, Kristin Sollenberger, Kristen Spahr, Cassandra Theurer, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins.

Honor Section 3.7 plus GPA

Katie Alberson, Ada Bebi, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Cortney Brinkley, Kelli Budde, Elizabeth Coleman, Brittany Curts, Deanna Drinkut, Joshua Eal, Andrew Enyart, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, David Johnston, Meghan Knight, Danielle Look, Alex Loucks, Emily Lyons, Rachel McKee, Jay Muhlenkamp, Joshua Myers, Stephanie Rines, Sally Ronald, Erin Schmiesing, Jesse Shawver, Kristin Sollenberger, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins.

National Honors Society

Katie Alberson, Andrew Baldauf, Tyler Bash, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Cortney Brinkley, Kelli Budde, Jennifer Chittum, Elizabeth Coleman, Eric Coleman, Brittany Curts, Deanna Drinkut, Joshua Eal, Andrew Enyart, Delphia Flenar, Adam Ford, Julie Garringer, Blake Hendricks, Parker Houck, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, Stephanie Imel, David Johnston, Meghan Knight, Drew Lloyd, Danielle Look, Alex Loucks, Emily Lyons, Brittany Marshall, Rachel McKee, Sarah Miller, Jay Muhlenkamp, Christopher Murray, Joshua Myers, Felisha Parr, Corey Price, Stephanie Rines, Sally Ronald, Erin Schmiesing, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Daniel Scott, Beth Shaw, Jesse Shawver, Jonelle Shawver, Beth Siegrist, Kristin Sollenberger, Kristen Spahr, Cassandra Theurer, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins, Heath Williams.

Randy O. Poole Mental Attitude

Heath Williams.

Academic All State — All-American Swimming

David Johnston, Stephanie Rines, Vanessa Wilkins.

Olympic Conference Academic Recognition

Katie Alberson, Tyler Bash, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Jennifer Chittum, Deanna Drinkut, Andrew Enyart, Blake Hendricks, Paul Imel, David Johnston, Alex Loucks, Rachel McKee, Sarah Miller, Felisha Parr, Stephanie Rines, Erin Schmiesing, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Jesse Shawver, Beth Siegrist, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Williams.

Athletic Blanket Award

Justin Adams, Tyler Bash, Chip Feazell, Lindsay Friddle, Paul Imel, David Johnston, Amanda Knight, Rachel McKee, Sarah Miller, Beth Siegrist, Kayla Smith, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins, Heath Williams.


Portland Foundation & Lilly Endowment

Presented by Foundation: Katie Alberson, Andrew Baldauf, Rebecca Beeler, Adam Brandt, Cortney Brinkley, Kelli Budde, Patrick Cavanaugh, Jennifer Chittum, Ashley Clark, Elizabeth Coleman, Eric Coleman, Kylie Corwin, Terence Corwin, Brittany Curts, Deanna Drinkut, Joshua Eal, Andrew Enyart, Charles “Chip” Feazell, Delphia Flenar, Cara Geesaman, Anna Huey, Stacie Iliff, Paul Imel, Russell Imel, Stephanie Imel, David Johnston, Meghan Knight, Danielle Look, Alex Loucks, Isaac Marchand, Brittany Marshall, Rachel McKee, Nathan Miller, Jennifer Mock, Christopher Moles, Christopher Murray, Joshua Myers, Felisha Parr, Corey Price, Joshua Richards, Stephanie Rines, Sally Arnold, Erin Schmiesing, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Beth Shaw, Jesse Shawver, Beth Siegrist, Kristin Sollenberger, Kristen Spahr, Jonathan Starr, Cassandra Theurer, Nicole VanSkyock, Vanessa Wilkins, Zachary Wolford.

Presented by others: Tyler Bash, Kelli Budde, Elizabeth Coleman, Eric Coleman, Deanna Drinkut, Adam Ford, Cale Hearn, Parker Houck, Anna Huey, Paul Imel, Russell Imel, Amanda Knight, Meghan Knight, Lauren Monroe, Jay Muhlenkamp, Corey Price, Joshua Richards, Stephanie Rines, Jesse Shawver, Jonathan Starr, Andrew Swoveland, Cassandra Theurer, Nicole VanSkyock, Heath Williams.

Lilly: Adam Ford, Emily Lyons, Jay Muhlenkamp.


Russell Imel

Lincoln Tech Drag Scholarships

Brent Barnett, Jennifer Mock.

University of Indianapolis

Jennifer Chittum, Elizabeth Coleman, Brittany Curts, Charles “Chip” Feazell, Meghan Knight, Daniel Scott, Kristin Sollenberger.

Wabash College

Tyler Bash, Joshua Eal, David Johnston, Alex Loucks.

James A. and Marian Abromson Memorial

Sally Ronald.

American Legion Post 211 - Robert Guy Ayers

Kyle Carpenter, Dustin Mills.

Harold Schutz Memorial

Jesse Shawver.

Sons of American Legion Post 211

Jennifer Chittum.

Democrat Women

Cassandra Theurer.

Kiwanis Club of Portland and Key Club

Nathan Myers, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Cassandra Theurer, Katie Alberson, Elizabeth Coleman, Blake Hendricks, Anna Huey, David Johnston, Brittani Roll.

Denyse Crabill Scholarship

Elizabeth Coleman.

Sprint Communications

Ryan Brotherton.

Randy O. Poole Memorial Scholarship

Jesse Shawver.

C.W. Oehler Scholarship

Anna Huey.

Portland Panther - James E. Hardy

Tyler Bash.

Kris A. Rose “Wonder Women” Scholarship

Nicole VanSkyock.


Kelli Budde.

William R. Sudhoff Memorial Scholarship Fund

Jonathan Starr.

Mike Walters Student/Athlete Scholarship

Heath Williams.

Warren Wyatt Wells Memorial

Cale Hearn.

East Central Indiana Peer Educator of Jay County

J.W. Mosier Scholarship

Tyler Bash, Brittany Marshall, Cassandra Theurer.

Robert Anderson

Jay Muhlenkamp.

Alfred and Amy Braddock & Farmers and Merchants Bank of Bryant Union Bank and Trust Company

Sara Miller, Daniel Scott, Brittani Roll.

Beta Sigma Phi — Portland

Nicole Best, Michaela Camp, Kristin Sollenberger.

Billy Bentz and Lisa Hanks Memorial

Nicole VanSkyock.

Bowling Association — Portland Women

Derek Powell.

Burger King Scholars Program

Kindra Hutchison.

Career Women’s Club of Dunkirk

Beth Ann Shaw.

Crown City Cruisers

Aaron Bickel

Delta Theta Tau — Dunkirk

Wanda D. Miskinis Memorial

Brittany Curts, Kristin Sollenberger.

Delta Theta Tau — Pennville

Christine Morrow and Georgetta Strait

Delts of Pennville: Lauren Monroe.

Christine Morrow: Eric Coleman.

Georgetta Strait: Elizabeth Coleman.

Delta Theta Tau — Portland

Sue Shoemaker Memorial

Andrew Baldauf, Lindsay Friddle, Blake Hendricks, Drew Lloyd, Dustin Mills, Beth Siegrist.

Delta Theta Tau — Redkey

Jennifer Chittum Kyle Cyphers, Lindsay Friddle, Drew Lloyd, Beth Shaw, Kristen Spahr.

First National Bank Senior Advisory Board

Katie Alberson, Adam Brandt, Adam Ford, Lindsay Friddle, Paul Imel, Stephanie Rines, Sally Ronald, Leslie Schwartzkopf, Daniel Scott.

Ella and Irene Cunningham

Meghan Knight.

Ward C. Weisel

Tyler Bash.

Dr. Shroyer Christian Love

Delphia Flenar.

Portland Rotary Club

Julie Garringer.

East Jay Middle School — Honor Society

Rebecca Beeler, Paul Imel.

East Jay Middle School — Student Council

Paul Imel.

Elks Club of Dunkirk 1776

Youth of the Year: Parker Houck and Delphia Flenar.

Winners of the local contest: Patrick Cavanaugh, Cassandra Theurer.

FCC Indiana Inc. Hiroshi Nozue Memorial

Paul Imel.

French Connection Scholarship

Elizabeth Coleman, Deanna Drinkut.

Spanish Club Scholarship

Charles “Chip” Feazell.

Friends of the Jay County Public Library

Kristen Spahr.

Future Farmers of America — FFA and FFA License Plate Scholarship

Stephanie Rines, Joshua Richards, Emily Lyons, Stephanie Rines, Cassandra Theurer.

Gamma Nu — Omega Chapter — Redkey

Jennifer Chittum, Drew Lloyd, Doug Mahon.

Golf Association — Women

Deanna Drinkut.

Golf Association — Men

Jesse Shawver.

Hoosier Scholar

Nicole VanSkyock, Beth Siegrist.

National FAA, Wal-Mart Scholarship

Jay Muhlenkamp.

Indiana State Coroners Association Inc.

Nicole VanSkyock.

William Hutchins — Portland Junior League Baseball

Michael Smith.

Indiana Conservation Officers Scholarship

Adam Ford.

Jay Classroom Teachers Association

Alex Loucks, Rachel McKee, Lauren Monroe, Daniel Scott.

Jay County Civic Theatre

Rebecca Beeler.

Jay County Conservation Club

Terence Corwin.

Jay County High School Student Council

Ashley Clark, Brittany Curts, Adam Ford.

Jay County Hospital Auxiliary

Kelli Budde, Meghan Knight.

Jay County Hospital Foundation

Meghan Knight, Kristen Spahr.

Jay County Farm Bureau

Stephanie Rines.

Kappa Kappa Kappa — Beta Theta Chapter

Katie Alberson, Andrew Baldauf, Kelli Budde, Paul Imel, David Johnston, Danielle Look, Rachel McKee, Vanessa Wilkins.

Knights of Columbus

Kelli Budde, David Johnston, Erin Schmiesing.

Lions— Pennville Memorial

Deanna Drinkut.

Lions— Portland and Jay County

Portland: Patrick Cavanaugh, Adam Ford, Lauren Monroe.

Jay County; Ashley Clark, Deanna Drinkut.

Madison Alumni Scholarship

Cassandra Theurer.

Heather McLaughlin Memorial Theatre Arts

Dustin Mills.

Knights of Pythias

Amanda Knight, Andrew Swoveland.

Moose Lodge of Portland 417

Amanda Hicks, David Johnston, Dustin Mills.

Optimist — Morning and JCHS Outstanding Business Student

Optimist: Parker Houck.

Outstanding students: Jennifer Chittum, Lindsay Friddle.

Optimist — Evening

Paul Imel, Corey Price.

Portland Forge Employee Fund

Brittany Bost, Hagen Bost, Rachel McKee, Adam Miller, Dustin Overton, Rachel Sammons.

Redkey Veterinary Agricultural Records Award

Janae Johnson.

WPGW — Jay Today

Daniel Scott.


U.S. Army Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill: Vincent Cline.


Lincoln Tech Vocational Scholarship

Brent Barnett

Wabash College Presidential Scholarship

Tyler Bash

Indiana Institute of Technology, Partners for Success Scholarship, Women’s Soccer Scholarship $2,000

Melissa Brenner.

Ball State University, Presidential Scholarship, 1/2 tuition

Cortney Brinkley.

Indiana Institute of Technology, Academic Scholarship of SAT Scores, Room and Board Scholarship

Ryan Brotherton.

Indiana Tech, Soccer Scholarship, Partners for Success Scholarship

Kyle Carpenter.

Purdue University, Partial Room and Board Tuition Scholarship

Patrick Cavanaugh

University of Indianapolis, Richard Lugar Academic Scholarship

Jennifer Chittum.

IUPUI, First Generation Scholarship

Ashley Clark.

University of Indianapolis, Alumni Scholarship, 30 percent tuition, Hawkins Scholarship

Elizabeth Coleman.

University of Indianapolis, Dean’s Scholarship

Brittany Curts.

Wabash College, Presidential Scholarship, Fine Arts Scholarship

Joshua Eal.

Butler University, Trustee Scholar

Delphia Flenar.

University of Indianapolis, Dean’s Scholarship

Rose-Hulman, Academic Scholarship

Adam Ford.

Indiana University, University Scholarship

Cara Geesaman.

Wabash College Scholarship

David Johnston.

University of Indianapolis, Dean’s Scholarship, LeAlice Briggs Nursing Scholarship

Meghan Knight.

Wabash College, President’s Scholarship

Alex Loucks.

Vincennes University, Housing Scholarship

Danielle Look.

DePauw University, Merit Scholarship

Butler University, Butler University 2005 Fair View Scholar

Emily Lyons.

Lincoln Tech, Drag Racing Scholarship

Jennifer Mock.

Purdue University, John F. Martin Memorial Scholarship

Jay Muhlenkamp.

Ancilla College, Athletic Scholarship

Dustin Overton.

Indiana Institute of Technology, Partners for Success Scholarship, Zollner Scholarship

Derek Powell.

Whittenburg University, University Scholar

Taylor University, Dean’s Merit Scholar

Stephanie Rines.

Indiana University, Indiana Resident Freese Scholarship, Indiana Scholars Tuition Award, Richard and Virginia Stoner Scholarship

Sally Ronald.

Indiana Institute of Technology, Partners for Success Scholarship

Michael Smith.

University of Indianapolis, Dean’s Scholarship, Theatre Scholarship

Kristin Sollenberger.

Ball State University, Presidential Scholarship

Jesse Shawver.

Anderson College, Academic and Athletic Scholarships

Nicole VanSkyock.

University of Indianapolis, Dean’s Scholarship

Huntington College, Honor Scholarship

Vanessa Wilkins.

U.S. Army Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill

Vincent Cline.[[In-content Ad]]



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