July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

Re-open the Dunkirk BMV (01/10/07)

Letters to the Editor

To the editor:

In September 2005, the citizens of Dunkirk presented petitions and orally presented good legitimate reasons why the Dunkirk license branch should not be closed. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears.

Two years later, the Portland license branch has encountered numerous closures and illnesses to their employees. The price of gas has skyrocketed. People are more concerned about providing food on their tables and a roof over their family's heads rather than access to a computer and cost for Internet service to get BMV services.

When they closed the Dunkirk license branch there was nothing wrong with either the building or the people entering it. Today, there is still nothing wrong with the building and those who have entered into it are not becoming ill.

The building is still available. No petitions are needed for this decision. Just plain economical and healthful sense.

Lets move the Dunkirk license branch back to where it belongs.


Oma Scruggs



To the editor:

We want to thank everyone who attended the first Jay Community Center Family Fun Night for a wonderful Saturday family fun-filled evening.

We had more than 400 kids, parents and grandparents attend the inaugural event, which included games, food, fun and music for everyone.

A big thanks to Heather Duff, Terri Inman and Becca Flanders for providing face painting; Danae Klatt and the Every Street Band; and Brian Getz from Indianapolis, who made balloon sculptures for all of the children who wanted one and who probably used more than 600 balloons.

We'd also like to thank our sponsor for the evening, Portland Rotary, along with our other sponsors, City of Portland, Inman Insurance, and Delta Theta Tau, and the many businesses which donated food and door prizes to make this evening a huge success. We had so much fun organizing this event and bring families together. We look forward to the next Family Fun Night this summer.

Jack Houck, executive

director, Jay Community

Center, for the Family Fun

Night organizing committee

Good times

To the editor:

Jack Houck, Stephanie Arnold and the rest of the staff of the Jay Community Center sure know how to put on a party, and those of us who were lucky enough to be there last Saturday night were treated to a fun time.

From the moment the doors opened for the Family Fun Night, kids and families of all ages began streaming through the doors and into the older part of the center, anxious to discover what was in store for them on this inaugural night that had been hyped for several days prior to the event. Kids of all ages were directed to one end of the gym while their parents and other family members took their places on the benches around the floor.

The tension built as the crowd grew, and Jack and his gang knew just the right moment to start the activities and get down to the serious business of having fun. The games were simple enough but challenged everyone's creativity as kids and adults alike figured out a variety of ways to propel a scooter around the course or tried not to swallow a mouthful of marshmallows or discovered how to get their buddies to co-operate and co-ordinate on the 2x4 walk.

Although I was still signing in new arrivals while the games were going and couldn't see all of the activities, it was hard not to feel the enthusiasm and joy and hear everyone laughing at, not only others, but themselves as well.

While the games were center stage in the old gym, over in the new gym kids were lined up 10-15 deep, waiting to get their faces painted by some very talented artists or to get one of the Balloon Man's creations. Brian Getz must have Teflon fingers for he never stopped tying balloons all evening long.

Meanwhile in the galley folks were ordering more pizzas and wings and trying to stretch the cookies, chips and drinks since no one knew how to predict what the turnout would be for this first time event. Up on stage the crew was busy pulling raffle tickets out of a bubble gum tub and shouting out numbers to the anxious crowd.

Soon it was time for Stephanie to show her impressive archery skills and for the mayor and our sheriff to show how cool they could be in the line of fire. One by one Mayor Hosier, Sheriff Newton, Coach Hill, and the master of ceremonies himself faced off against the Olympian and her 190+ MPH arrows hurled at the thin plastic film in front of their faces and tried not to flinch.

The mayor, the sheriff and the coach passed the test while Jack, much to the delight of the crowd, was mightily blown away by the smack of the suction cup as the arrow found its mark.

Although I faded not long after this vaudevillian scene, I did stick around long enough to enjoy the great rock sounds of Danae Klatt and the Every Street Band. Once again the kids who were left in the hall formed impromptu dance schemes and friends and families seemed to enjoy each other's company as the band played on.

Watching the kids and families playing, laughing and dancing together brought back memories of dances at the Armory when I was a child.

Even though my family lived out in the country I remember how wonderful it felt to be with all those neighbors from around the county, like we were one big family.

I came away from the evening exhausted but with a pleasant glow of satisfaction that I had been a part of something special. A party for the good of families and community where nobody kept score and everyone was a winner. Let's do it again soon.

Tom Young


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