July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.
School fees announced
Jay Schools has announced its 2012-13 textbook rental costs and fees.
Jay County High School
Accounting I, $7.14 plus $34.70; accounting II, $6.59 plus $32.92; business math, $7.62 plus $1.85; business and personal law, $7.66; career planning and success skills (CPSS) — academy, $.50 plus $4.90; computer applications — academy, $6.25; computer applications, advanced, $4.32 plus $4.90; desktop publishing, $7.82 plus $4.90; marketing, $8.46; personal finance, $6.73 plus $11.55; Web design, $9.83 plus $4.90; interdisciplinary cooperative education, $9.66.
English 9/honors - academy, $10.58 plus $6.13; English 10, $10.58 plus $15.53; Honors English 10, $7.64 plus $16.16; English 11, $10.79 plus $6.19; English 11 College, $10.79 plus $5.28; English 12 $10.79 plus $7.75; College English 12, $10.79 plus $4.88; Advanced English/Language — College credit (Ball State), books selected by and purchased from Ball State plus $2.95; creative writing, $15.86; journalism, $8.52 plus $5.80; speech, $6.86 plus $1.90; student publications (newspaper and yearbook), $5.80; grammar, $6.94 plus $1.90; advanced English/language — college credit (Ivy Tech), $9.17 plus $1.
Family and Consumer Science
Nutrition and wellness, $6.04 plus $12; advanced nutrition and foods I, $5.98 plus $17; culinary careers, $13.61 plus $47.56; AECC I (Advanced Elder Care), $5.91 plus $97.00; fashion and textiles foundation, $5; fashion and textiles foundation I, $12; fashion and textiles foundation II & III, $15; housing and interior design foundation, $5.63 plus $9; adult roles and responsibilities II, $9.68 plus $9; interpersonal relations I, $8.38 plus $7; interpersonal relations I (family relations I), $9.68 plus $3; child development and parenting, $6.18 plus $16.55.
Music theory AP, $82 fee; Advanced choir/ “Patriot Edition,” $16 fee; beginning chorus, $7.50 fee; intermediate chorus, $7.50 fee; intermediate chorus/”Danza Cantaza,” $16 fee; electronic music, $15 fee; music theory and composition, $17.55 plus $12.45; advanced concert band (Band 10-11-12), $15 fee; intermediate concert band 9, $15 fee; dance choreography (guard) $15 fee.
Fine arts — Art
Introduction to two dimensional art, $9 fee; advanced two dimensional art I, $11 fee; advanced two dimensional art II, $14 fee; advanced two dimensional art III, $15 fee; advanced two dimensional art IV, $15 fee; introduction to three dimensional art, $30 fee; advanced three dimensional art I, $30; advanced three dimensional art II and III, $30; jewelry, $30; photography, $30.
Theatre arts, $7.83 plus $2; theatre arts I, $7.83 plus $8.17; theatre arts special topics, $7.83 plus $8.17; technical theatre —scenic design, $7.83 plus $10.17; advanced theatre arts III (theatre production), $7.83 plus $10.17; technical theatre — children’s theatre, $7.70 plus $2; technical theatre — Canada, $7.83 plus $2.17; technical theatre — costuming, $2 fee; technical theatre — Shakespeare, $7.83 plus $2; technical theatre — storytelling, $7.83 plus $2.
Foreign Language
French I, $8.52 plus $3.82; French II $8.66 plus $3.82; French III, IV, V, $8.66 plus $3.82; French language AP, $8.66 plus $85.82; German I, $23.67 plus $1.44; German II, $23.67 plus $1.44; German III, $14.43 plus $1.44; German IV & V, $8.78 plus $24.48; German language AP, $8.78 plus $106.48; Latin I, $7.40 plus $3.54; Latin II, $6.05 plus $3.54; Latin III, $7.41 plus $3.54; Latin IV and V, $2.46 plus $3.54; Spanish I, $8.84 plus $2.22; Spanish II, $9.02 plus $2.22; Spanish III, $9.10 plus $2.22; Spanish IV & V, $8.65 plus $2.22; Spanish language AP, $8.65 plus $84.22.
Health, Physical Education and Driver Education
Elective physical education (body conditioning), $3 fee; elective physical education (recreational), $3 fee; physical education I & II, $3 fee; health education, $9.79; driver education, $4.60 plus $282.40.
Advanced mathematics college credit (calculus), $6.16 plus $1.50; algebra 1 academy, $9.82 plus $3.50; algebra 1, $9.82 plus $3.50; algebra 2, $10.67 plus $1.50; algebra 2-4, $10.67 plus $1.50; calculus - advanced placement, $13.34 plus $3.50; geometry academy, $10.17 plus $4; pre-calculus, $15.09 plus $1.50, advanced mathematics (calculus) no college credit, $6.16 plus $1.50.
Peer tutoring, $10 fee.
Biology I academy, $11.25 plus $10; biology - advanced placement, $19.65 plus $20; chemistry I, $11.54 plus $10; earth and space science, $10.71 plus $10; physics, $10.58 plus $10; physics 110 (Ball State University college credit), $19.86 plus $20; chemistry — advanced placement (L), $19.66 plus $20.
Social Studies
Current problems, issues and events, $10.06 fee; economics, $10.25 plus $2.50; economics advanced placement, $16.78 plus $84.50; geography and history of the world, $10.44 plus $2.50; psychology, $9.90 plus $7.75; sociology, $10.17 plus $2.50; United States government, $10.18 plus $2.50; U.S. history, $10.45 plus $2.50; U.S. history — advanced placement, $12.79 plus $84.50; world history and civilization, $10.79 plus $2.50; psychology — advanced placement, $10.51 plus $84.50; citizenship and civics, $8.93 plus $2.50.
Special Classes
Interpersonal relations, $4.40 plus $7; community involvement, $2.75 plus $10; home living, $11.11 plus $10; household and money management, $7.66 plus $38.60; law and politics, $5.36 plus $10; personal safety and interpersonal relations, $9.31 plus $26.49; self advocacy, $6.99 plus $10; transition, $36.18 plus $7; transportation, $2.75 plus $10; works adjustment, no rentals or fees; work training, no rentals or fees; functional life skills, $20 fee; adaptive physical education, $3 fee; community work, no rentals or fees; study, no rentals or fees.
Vocational Agriculture Department
Advance life science animals, $37 fee; agricultural mechanization I (small engines and welding I), $5.67 plus $61; advanced agricultural mechanization II (large engines and welding II), $11.69 plus $89; animal science/animal production, $10.93 plus $33; agricultural business management, $28 fee; animal science/small animal vet science, $14.78 plus $37; fundamentals of agricultural science and business, $12.51 plus $27; horticulture science (CC), $11.62 plus $42; horticulture science/ greenhouse, $8.49 plus $42; landscape management, $8.63 plus $25; supervised agriculture experience program, $10 fee; agricultural mech construction, $35 fee.
Vocational Department
Digital electronics, $40 fee; engineer design development, $30 fee; introduction to engineering design, $41 fee; principles of engineering, $40 fee; principles of biomedical science (1st year), $33.72 fee; human body systems (2nd year), $1.40 plus $41.92; medical intervention (3rd year), $1.81 plus $37.72; biomedical innovation (4th year) $37.67; advanced science/anatomy and physiology, $14.10 plus $22; graphic image (beginning vocational graphic arts), $3.68 plus $50; computer art and graphic design (adv. voc. graphic arts), $5.98 plus $65.38; electronic tech I (voc. electronics I), $14.37 plus $48.67; electronic tech II (voc. electronics II), $6.19 plus $73.44; electronic tech III (voc. electronics III), $26.22 plus $68.46; electronics I/computer repair, $16.50 plus $35; health sciences I & II (vocational health occupations), $8.32 plus $40; radio/TV broadcasting, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; radio/TV sports broadcasting, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; radio/TV production, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; vocational auto mechanics 1, 2 and 3, $10.90 plus $20.90; vocational machine trades 1, $17 plus $92. Prices for vocational auto mechanics and vocational machine trades are subject to change when textbook rate/fee are approved at South Adams.
Student activity fee
There is a student activity fee of $4 for all students.
East Jay/West Jay Middle schools
Grade 6
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; reading/literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; social studies, $18.36; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $3.85; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; visual arts, $3.05 plus $3; music, $4.05 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180, $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Grade 7
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; advanced math, $17.68 plus $4.35; social studies, $15.26; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $3.99; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; computer technology, $3; choir/band, $4; art, $4; music, $4.18 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180 $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Grade 8
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; reading/literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; advanced math, $20.20 plus $4.75; social studies, $20.89; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $4.20; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; computer technology, $3; choir/band, $4; art, $4; music, $4.18 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180, $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Elementary schools
Fifth grade, $118; fourth grade, $117; third grade, $124; second grand, $103; first grade, $115; and kindergarten, $102.[[In-content Ad]]
Jay County High School
Accounting I, $7.14 plus $34.70; accounting II, $6.59 plus $32.92; business math, $7.62 plus $1.85; business and personal law, $7.66; career planning and success skills (CPSS) — academy, $.50 plus $4.90; computer applications — academy, $6.25; computer applications, advanced, $4.32 plus $4.90; desktop publishing, $7.82 plus $4.90; marketing, $8.46; personal finance, $6.73 plus $11.55; Web design, $9.83 plus $4.90; interdisciplinary cooperative education, $9.66.
English 9/honors - academy, $10.58 plus $6.13; English 10, $10.58 plus $15.53; Honors English 10, $7.64 plus $16.16; English 11, $10.79 plus $6.19; English 11 College, $10.79 plus $5.28; English 12 $10.79 plus $7.75; College English 12, $10.79 plus $4.88; Advanced English/Language — College credit (Ball State), books selected by and purchased from Ball State plus $2.95; creative writing, $15.86; journalism, $8.52 plus $5.80; speech, $6.86 plus $1.90; student publications (newspaper and yearbook), $5.80; grammar, $6.94 plus $1.90; advanced English/language — college credit (Ivy Tech), $9.17 plus $1.
Family and Consumer Science
Nutrition and wellness, $6.04 plus $12; advanced nutrition and foods I, $5.98 plus $17; culinary careers, $13.61 plus $47.56; AECC I (Advanced Elder Care), $5.91 plus $97.00; fashion and textiles foundation, $5; fashion and textiles foundation I, $12; fashion and textiles foundation II & III, $15; housing and interior design foundation, $5.63 plus $9; adult roles and responsibilities II, $9.68 plus $9; interpersonal relations I, $8.38 plus $7; interpersonal relations I (family relations I), $9.68 plus $3; child development and parenting, $6.18 plus $16.55.
Music theory AP, $82 fee; Advanced choir/ “Patriot Edition,” $16 fee; beginning chorus, $7.50 fee; intermediate chorus, $7.50 fee; intermediate chorus/”Danza Cantaza,” $16 fee; electronic music, $15 fee; music theory and composition, $17.55 plus $12.45; advanced concert band (Band 10-11-12), $15 fee; intermediate concert band 9, $15 fee; dance choreography (guard) $15 fee.
Fine arts — Art
Introduction to two dimensional art, $9 fee; advanced two dimensional art I, $11 fee; advanced two dimensional art II, $14 fee; advanced two dimensional art III, $15 fee; advanced two dimensional art IV, $15 fee; introduction to three dimensional art, $30 fee; advanced three dimensional art I, $30; advanced three dimensional art II and III, $30; jewelry, $30; photography, $30.
Theatre arts, $7.83 plus $2; theatre arts I, $7.83 plus $8.17; theatre arts special topics, $7.83 plus $8.17; technical theatre —scenic design, $7.83 plus $10.17; advanced theatre arts III (theatre production), $7.83 plus $10.17; technical theatre — children’s theatre, $7.70 plus $2; technical theatre — Canada, $7.83 plus $2.17; technical theatre — costuming, $2 fee; technical theatre — Shakespeare, $7.83 plus $2; technical theatre — storytelling, $7.83 plus $2.
Foreign Language
French I, $8.52 plus $3.82; French II $8.66 plus $3.82; French III, IV, V, $8.66 plus $3.82; French language AP, $8.66 plus $85.82; German I, $23.67 plus $1.44; German II, $23.67 plus $1.44; German III, $14.43 plus $1.44; German IV & V, $8.78 plus $24.48; German language AP, $8.78 plus $106.48; Latin I, $7.40 plus $3.54; Latin II, $6.05 plus $3.54; Latin III, $7.41 plus $3.54; Latin IV and V, $2.46 plus $3.54; Spanish I, $8.84 plus $2.22; Spanish II, $9.02 plus $2.22; Spanish III, $9.10 plus $2.22; Spanish IV & V, $8.65 plus $2.22; Spanish language AP, $8.65 plus $84.22.
Health, Physical Education and Driver Education
Elective physical education (body conditioning), $3 fee; elective physical education (recreational), $3 fee; physical education I & II, $3 fee; health education, $9.79; driver education, $4.60 plus $282.40.
Advanced mathematics college credit (calculus), $6.16 plus $1.50; algebra 1 academy, $9.82 plus $3.50; algebra 1, $9.82 plus $3.50; algebra 2, $10.67 plus $1.50; algebra 2-4, $10.67 plus $1.50; calculus - advanced placement, $13.34 plus $3.50; geometry academy, $10.17 plus $4; pre-calculus, $15.09 plus $1.50, advanced mathematics (calculus) no college credit, $6.16 plus $1.50.
Peer tutoring, $10 fee.
Biology I academy, $11.25 plus $10; biology - advanced placement, $19.65 plus $20; chemistry I, $11.54 plus $10; earth and space science, $10.71 plus $10; physics, $10.58 plus $10; physics 110 (Ball State University college credit), $19.86 plus $20; chemistry — advanced placement (L), $19.66 plus $20.
Social Studies
Current problems, issues and events, $10.06 fee; economics, $10.25 plus $2.50; economics advanced placement, $16.78 plus $84.50; geography and history of the world, $10.44 plus $2.50; psychology, $9.90 plus $7.75; sociology, $10.17 plus $2.50; United States government, $10.18 plus $2.50; U.S. history, $10.45 plus $2.50; U.S. history — advanced placement, $12.79 plus $84.50; world history and civilization, $10.79 plus $2.50; psychology — advanced placement, $10.51 plus $84.50; citizenship and civics, $8.93 plus $2.50.
Special Classes
Interpersonal relations, $4.40 plus $7; community involvement, $2.75 plus $10; home living, $11.11 plus $10; household and money management, $7.66 plus $38.60; law and politics, $5.36 plus $10; personal safety and interpersonal relations, $9.31 plus $26.49; self advocacy, $6.99 plus $10; transition, $36.18 plus $7; transportation, $2.75 plus $10; works adjustment, no rentals or fees; work training, no rentals or fees; functional life skills, $20 fee; adaptive physical education, $3 fee; community work, no rentals or fees; study, no rentals or fees.
Vocational Agriculture Department
Advance life science animals, $37 fee; agricultural mechanization I (small engines and welding I), $5.67 plus $61; advanced agricultural mechanization II (large engines and welding II), $11.69 plus $89; animal science/animal production, $10.93 plus $33; agricultural business management, $28 fee; animal science/small animal vet science, $14.78 plus $37; fundamentals of agricultural science and business, $12.51 plus $27; horticulture science (CC), $11.62 plus $42; horticulture science/ greenhouse, $8.49 plus $42; landscape management, $8.63 plus $25; supervised agriculture experience program, $10 fee; agricultural mech construction, $35 fee.
Vocational Department
Digital electronics, $40 fee; engineer design development, $30 fee; introduction to engineering design, $41 fee; principles of engineering, $40 fee; principles of biomedical science (1st year), $33.72 fee; human body systems (2nd year), $1.40 plus $41.92; medical intervention (3rd year), $1.81 plus $37.72; biomedical innovation (4th year) $37.67; advanced science/anatomy and physiology, $14.10 plus $22; graphic image (beginning vocational graphic arts), $3.68 plus $50; computer art and graphic design (adv. voc. graphic arts), $5.98 plus $65.38; electronic tech I (voc. electronics I), $14.37 plus $48.67; electronic tech II (voc. electronics II), $6.19 plus $73.44; electronic tech III (voc. electronics III), $26.22 plus $68.46; electronics I/computer repair, $16.50 plus $35; health sciences I & II (vocational health occupations), $8.32 plus $40; radio/TV broadcasting, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; radio/TV sports broadcasting, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; radio/TV production, $7.46 plus $5/cycle; vocational auto mechanics 1, 2 and 3, $10.90 plus $20.90; vocational machine trades 1, $17 plus $92. Prices for vocational auto mechanics and vocational machine trades are subject to change when textbook rate/fee are approved at South Adams.
Student activity fee
There is a student activity fee of $4 for all students.
East Jay/West Jay Middle schools
Grade 6
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; reading/literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; social studies, $18.36; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $3.85; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; visual arts, $3.05 plus $3; music, $4.05 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180, $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Grade 7
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; advanced math, $17.68 plus $4.35; social studies, $15.26; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $3.99; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; computer technology, $3; choir/band, $4; art, $4; music, $4.18 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180 $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Grade 8
English, $8.23 plus $8.23; reading/literature, $18.68; math, $17.68 plus $4.75; advanced math, $20.20 plus $4.75; social studies, $20.89; science, $21.60 plus $3; health, $4.20; technology, $2.89 plus $4; applying life skills, $2.89 plus $4; computer technology, $3; choir/band, $4; art, $4; music, $4.18 plus $1; online safety curriculum, $2.60; READ 180, $32.64; student agenda book, $4.20.
Elementary schools
Fifth grade, $118; fourth grade, $117; third grade, $124; second grand, $103; first grade, $115; and kindergarten, $102.[[In-content Ad]]
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