July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

The case for school renovation (12/16/04)

Editor's Mailbag

By To the editor:-

I have sat back and held my tongue for five years while my husband has taken a lot of criticism and abuse as a school board member. He had no hidden agenda when he ran for the position. He merely has five children and wants them to have what is best for them and all of their classmates. When he was running for the position, there was talk of an auxiliary gym at that time and he openly stated his opinion in favor of the same. We have spent many, many hours discussing the renovation project and when I question something, he tells me that I need to attend the board meetings so that I will understand how things work. I think this can be said for the public as well. I have heard Frank say a thousand times, “We need to do what is best for the kids.”

I know that the renovation project is extremely expensive and it will cause an increase in taxes, but that is the only negative I can perceive. Change can be good and sometimes we have to give up something in return. We look at our county and wonder why all of the young, educated people leave. I am convinced it is because they go away to school and see what else is waiting out there for them. Jay County is a great place to live and I see positive things happening. I think we need to continue to improve upon what we have to offer as a community and make it a viable place for young families to come home to.

I have lived in Jay County for most of my life. My parents and I had to borrow everything for me to go to college. It took over 10 years for me to pay back my loans and even longer for us to pay back my husband’s loans. It was worth every cent. I received a teaching degree from DePauw University and although the campus was beautiful, I remember I couldn’t believe how dilapidated the gym and the pool were. Of course, as soon as I graduated, they built a beautiful facility with a 10-lane pool and several auxiliary gyms. It is gorgeous. Sure, I was a jealous that it wasn’t there for me, but when I take my daughter there each summer for swim camp or when I return for a reunion, I swell with pride. I love to show it off. That is because part of it is mine. I paid my dues. The same goes for our schools here in Jay County. We pay our taxes and we should be proud of what is ours.

One may think that the pool is a luxury, and it is. We are very fortunate to have one. I can’t imagine life without one. My kids and I spend many hours each day in the high school pool. I have two children that swim from 6:30 to 8 a.m. and then again after school until 5:30 or 6 p.m. At that time, I take two of my other kids out for USA swim practice and we practice until 7:45 p.m. I volunteer four nights a week and sometimes all three days of the weekend at practice and meets. In January, I will begin my fourth year as Jay County Middle School swim coach. Since there is no other time, kids from all over Jay County will be practicing from 7:45 until 9 or 9:30 p.m. These are 11-14-year-old kids.

We currently have 60 swimmers on our USA swim team ranging in age from 4 to 14. The middle school team had more than 35 kids from East and West Jay combined last year. I cannot express how fortunate I am to be involved with these groups and how much pride I have in these kids. We have something that is so good here. Include in those numbers the high school gym classes. The high school boys and girls swim teams and the local summer swim team and you will see that we have hundreds and hundreds of kids utilizing the facility sometimes on a daily basis. It is not merely a luxury but an educational tool, as well.

Our current pool looks fantastic and that is due mainly to coach Barry Weaver, who maintains the facility and directs pool activities. My family travels all over the state to attend swim meets and we always comment how nice our pool looks in comparison to some. Thanks to Barry, Ron Krieg and the custodians, our pool does look great on the surface but I think it is what we cannot see that is the problem. There are plumbing and electrical problems, as well as problems with the chemical filtration systems and the locker rooms are a mess. It is a shame when you have 6-year-old children who are afraid to step foot in the locker rooms without sandals on.

Every single child in the Jay County school system uses the pool and will continue to reap the benefits of it. The classes at the high school are not only great exercise, but educational, as well. As a result of swimming instruction, lives may have even been saved. Who knows?

The same can be said for the other areas of improvement. Things may appear to be O.K., but a lot of the credit goes to the staff who do the best with what they have. My kids are not involved in the vocational classes, nor are they participating in basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, baseball, gymnastics or band, but there are other kids who are. They also deserve nice classrooms and practice facilities. Many may argue that sports are not necessary to graduate from high school. That is true, but in many cases a sport may be all that a kid has to make him or her feel important. Unless you have been there and worked with the kids, you will not know that there are some children who would have no self-esteem whatsoever if they did not belong to a team. That group support will guide them through their school years and make it possible for them to gain respect and admiration among their peers. My own children are involved in sports because it keeps them very busy and it teaches them discipline. I know where they are at all times and they have had to learn to delegate their time. It is not easy to practice several hours a day and maintain grades, but they have learned a life skill that is invaluable.

I guess I could understand that those individuals who do not have children in the school system might question the benefits of the proposed renovations. We must look at the broader picture. What a plus for our community and a selling point to anyone who might be interested in locating here.

I am only one parent who is very fortunate to be able to spend time on a daily basis with my kids and their peers. Our kids are so lucky to have the teachers and coaches that they do. I am not ashamed to say that I am selfish for wanting what is best for my children. I am a parent first and foremost. But when I say “my children,” I am including their friends and all the other kids in the county as well. I want my kids to enjoy and benefit from their school years in Jay County to the fullest. In the end I would hope that they will want and have a reason to come back here to contribute to the community and raise their families here, too. The kids and the Jay County community deserve it. I hope we can make it happen.

Thank you.

Marcie Vormohr

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