July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

The 'scoop' on life, God (8/29/03)

Editor's Mailbag

By To the editor:-

Are you tired of the same-old, same-old and feel like you’re stuck on the merry-go-round of life? How about if you’re an older person and accomplished every dream or every goal you ever set out to conquer in life and now you’re at a dead end?

What would you say, whether you’re young or an elder, if I told you that life could bring on a whole new meaning or your purpose exactly in life for you?

If this describes you my friend, I challenge you to walk a mile with me and see where life will take you from here. I remember once when I was young and just getting started in life and trying to figure life out, a person came to me and asked me a question. They asked where do you want to be 10 years from now or 20 years from now?

Well my friend, that was 25 years ago and telling it like it is, on one hand, I haven’t gotten much farther now than I did then. Please remember, though, that I said that was on one hand.

It’s the other hand, however, that really counts and changed my life forever. You see, I was born a Sagittarius and being a Sagittarius I’m a natural-born thinker and problem-solver. This is nothing against my parents or upbringing because I was raised to know right from wrong. However, I was not raised in a Christian home or setting. For the most part, the things I have learned in life I had to learn on my own.

Again, going back to getting started in life and searching and seeking all the answers to life, I kept coming up empty-handed. Growing up I had been around Christian people and Christian families and even lived in their homes from time to time, but yet no one ever took the time to sit down and explain what a Christian was exactly or why they had the belief.

Most would want to say that you could tell a true Christian by the way they live their lives or the examples they set for others.

Well my friend, whether you want to hear this or not, or even if you are still going that mile with me, I ask very kindly for your patience and understanding and walk just a little bit further with me.

When I was young and dumb and naive and so on and so forth, I only wish someone would have cared enough for me as I am now for you, to sit down and give me the scoop on life and explain things in a way that I would understand.

No offense to anyone, but had I known in the beginning what I know now, it sure would have saved me a lot of heartache and grief, not to mention endless mistakes.

So are you ready for the scoop of life? Let me start out by asking you my friend as I was once asked. Instead of me asking, however, where you want to be 10 or 20 years from now, I want to ask you where you want to be 1,000 years from now? That’s right, my friend, we are born mortal man and sooner or later we will die. I once said as someone else did, there are but two kinds of people in this world in which we live — leaders and followers. Question is, who’s leading what and who’s following what? But on with the show.

Friend, again, and going back to my start in life, I thought I knew who God was and all there was to know about life until one day out of curiosity I happened to actually take time out and sit down and read the Bible. Again seeking and searching for the answers to life. Before I ever began reading anything and being young and dumb, I thought I already had things figured out. Until one day I read in the Bible, God’s word, not mine, that whosoever does not find themselves written in the Lamb’s book of life, that being the Bible, shall not (do you hear me?) shall not enter into the Kingdom of God.

Believe me friend, as you begin reading, God’s word will tell you everything you want to know about yourself. Not only that, it will tell you the way the world used to be, how it is now, and where it’s heading. God’s word will teach you how to act, how to think, what to say, what to not say, what to do, what not to do, and the morals and standards of life in God’s eyes.

It also teaches us so much about the people around us — their strong points, their weak points, the things people value and treasure in life, what motivates people into doing what they do and so on and so forth.

It can teach you how to spot real people or phony people. That’s why it’s called the book of life. Then it comes down to being a Christian and what it means to be a Christian and the rewards you can get and earn from God while on earth.

That way when that day comes you do die, you won’t end up in hellfire or even enter into God’s Kingdom empty-handed. God’s word says where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.

Jesus tells us not to build up or save things on earth that will rust or robbers can break in or steal. He tells us instead to put up for ourselves treasure in heaven. Now how do we do that exactly?

Well, God says each man will be awarded according to his works. Well, what is works? Works is when we serve the Lord and lead others to His door to be saved. The very first thing above all else when it comes to being a Christian is No. 1 obeying the word of God and His commandments. God’s commandments are not just the Ten Commandments, but rather the Bible is full of commandments from cover to cover.

How would you like my friend if you have come this far but never in your life even once picked the Bible up to pick it up now and just get a small glimpse of Heaven? Please, if you will, open up your Bible and read Revelation 21:10-27 and 22:1-7. Now tell me my friend, is it all hogwash or do you believe this all to be true?

That’s the beauty behind God. He gives us our own free will to believe what we want to believe. Just remember, my friend, it is not Jesus who puts us in hellfire if we ever end up there, it was our free will; we did it to our selves and have no one else to blame.

What do you say and what do you think, my friend? I am not trying to throw stones at glass houses as I have a step to clean off first myself. I’m not perfect.

God’s peace and God Bless.

Terry A. Evans

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