July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

Time to stand up to gay rights movement (03/18/04)

Editor's mailbag

To the editor:

Dear readers. I wrote the following letter just to “get it off my chest.” I was not going to submit it to the CR but then something happened. My daily news from citizen link, lead story was an article explaining that pro-homosexual groups from around the globe are pushing the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to declare sexual orientation an international human right — and your input may be key to thwarting their plans.

The Commission, made up of 53 member nations, will begin meeting Monday and continue for the next six weeks, at some point taking up a resolution proposed by Brazil that "sexual orientation" be added to "the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family."

To prevent that from happening, pro-family voices must be heard on the issue.

While U.S. citizens are accustomed to influencing government officials through voting, letters, phone calls and e-mails, this is not true in the vast majority of nations. A few hundred e-mails or faxes to a country's mission in New York City could have a profound impact, and could greatly encourage the officials to take a strong stand for what they already know is right.

Take action. Please take a moment to write a pair of letters or compose a pair of e-mails to Egypt's leaders in care of the Egyptian Mission to the United Nations in New York City. (Egypt’s leaders opposed a similar proposal from Brazil last year and got it postponed to this year.) Thank them for their leadership last year and encourage them to stand strong for the sanctity of marriage and family for the whole world, despite the opposition they may face.

Fax the letters to 212-949-5999; or e-mail them to [email protected]

Letter 1 to:

H.E. Mr. Mohamed Hosni Mubarak

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Letter 2 to:

H.E. Mr. Ahmed Maher

Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Also, the International Gay & Lesbian Association has launched a Web site and solicited 45,000 signatures in support of the resolution, which the group plans to present during the convention in Geneva as evidence of support. A counter Web site opposing the resolution has been launched and needs thousands of "signatures." If you'd like to sign, visit the link: http://www.StopBrazilianResolution.com

Before you do that, perhaps reading my “off the chest” letter will inspire you to write some letters.

As I sit here this morning I find that the mainstream news is inundated with same sex marriage stories. It’s so cute. Rosie O’Donnell got so mad at President Bush’s stand against same sex marriage, that she and her girl friend went to San Francisco and got married. Boy I guess she showed him! Has any body out there ever gotten married because you disagreed with the President?

If you have read any of my previous op eds you know that I am against same sex couples being married. No I don’t hate them, Like most people, I have friends who are gay. They used to be my friends anyway, I don’t hear much from them anymore. But I still love them. I just don’t want traditional marriage to be changed.

The fact is that same sex marriage is just wrong. It just amazes me when in the course of discussion someone will make the statement: “they can’t help it, they are born that way.” That is not true. There is no medical data that proves there is a gay gene. Being gay is a choice not a right. I was reading an article yesterday where a black American lady, who took opposition to the gay claims of equal rights, said this: “Being gay is an idea not a right. Have you ever heard a doctor say, congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Jones, you have a bouncing baby homosexual? It’s an idea not a right!” I’d never heard it explained that way but it really hits the mark.

Look, the reason I am writing about this again, is because the mainstream media will not tell you all the facts necessary to make informed decisions. Here is “the rest of the story.”

Seattle’s mayor has signed some sort of declaration recognizing gay city employees same sex marriages. Thereby granting them all the perks applicable to heterosexual married employees I assume. That is what the gay agenda is after isn’t it? Their “rights.”

Well it seems that tucked away in a corner of the Washington Post, is an article showing the results of a study that has found that syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases among homosexual and bisexual men have increased.

Health officials are "troubled" with the findings of the 2004 National STD Prevention Conference in Philadelphia that show homosexual and bisexual men and adolescents seem to be ignoring "safe-sex" messages.

According to the Washington Blade, a newspaper for homosexuals, a study to be released at the STD Prevention Conference shows homosexual men are taking a crystal methamphetamine and Viagra combination and are contracting HIV and STDs at higher rates than men who only take Viagra.

What does this all mean? It means that with these escalating STD rates, companies that offer domestic partner benefits are draining household budgets to support homosexual high-risk behaviors. If state legislators embrace political correctness rather than common sense and force businesses to cover the homosexual community’s high-risk behavior, the health-care crisis will surge to catastrophic dimensions.

Hard working, healthy families will be the ones to suffer since prices will skyrocket and families will be forced to drop their health insurance.

Of course you knew that Democratic Presidential hopeful John Kerry advocates marital benefits for gays didn’t you?

That’s it! That is all I have for you all today. I only wish to educate all I can within my community so that we can make intelligent decisions in the fight for the preservation of our country's moral values. Yep! It's a fight and we need you!

Please call our President and let him know how you feel on this issue. You should also call our federal and state representatives and let them know how you feel. They work for us and they really do want to hear from you.

White House comment line: 202-456-1111 (I always ask if George is around, they never laugh.)

Sen. Lugar: 202-224-4814

Sen. Bayh: 202-224-5623

Congressman Pence: 202-225-3021

Sen. Paul: 317-232-9400

Rep. Liggett: 765-369-2402

Dave Milligan

Portland[[In-content Ad]]



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