July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

Uncle has questions about crash (7/26/03)

Editor's Mailbag

By To the editor:-

I’m deeply saddened as I take my keyboard in hand and feel myself compelled to write about a horrific tragedy which involved a high speed police pursuit which resulted in killing my nephew, Brandon Hilbert, and critically injuring Robyn Philebaum, an extremely innocent young lady. Let me start by sending my heartfelt sorrow to the family of Robyn, who was caught in the middle. No words I say or write can express my sorrow for Robyn and her family.

Brandon made a deadly and tragic mistake on Friday, July 18, 2003. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make this go away, but I can’t. As I was not a witness to what happened, I must go by what I have read in the newspaper and other documents. On this night, my nephew and Robin were on a motorcycle at the corner of Main and Meridian streets when officer Rob Myers recognized him and ran a check on his driver’s license. Is this a common practice to randomly run our license for no reason? Is there no need any more for probably cause for a policemen to invade our privacy?

As I knew, and I’m also sure the police knew, my nephew’s license was suspended. He absolutely should not have been on that motorcycle. Officer Myers began to pursue these two young people at the corner of East Water and Hayes streets. Brandon did not pull over and fled. This was a very bad decision on Brandon’s part, but it certainly was not the only bad decision made. Officer Myers then pursued Brandon at speeds of over 130 mph for close to 10 miles until Brandon crashed and died, and seriously injured Robyn. We were all this age once. He knew he didn’t have his license; he saw the red lights, got scared, and ran. A young man making a very bad choice.

In regards to the actions of officer Myers, whom I have known both personally and professionally for a good number of years and would have expected to be a mature, level-headed policeman, he also made mistakes. First off, why did he continue the pursuit at such high speeds and for such a distance to issue a traffic ticket? What happened to the police who are there to serve and protect? Shouldn’t we have policemen who love people and want to truly help their fellow man, not policemen who see it as who wins and who loses? No, our local police chief keeps track of how good a job their officers are doing by the number of arrests they make and the number of traffic citations they issue. Do they not care that we are mortal men and all bear hardships and problems and that in many circumstances they could make a positive influence on somebody’s life?

Officer Myers had Brandon’s name; he knew where he lived; he knew where he worked; he knew almost his entire family; and there was an innocent girl on the back of the motorcycle. What about her? He should have backed off and found (Brandon) later. Cooler heads and maturity could have saved Brandon’s life.

According to the department’s “pursuit driving policy” the pursuing officer MUST terminate ANY pursuit when the risk of injury or damage to any person or property resulting from continuation of the pursuit becomes greater than the risk of injury to person or damage to any property that would result from complete escape of the suspect. It further states “it is important that officers recognize that their focus during a pursuit remains on the safe conclusion of the pursuit,” and not on the concept of winning.

What would have happened if he would have terminated the pursuit? Well for one, Brandon would still be alive, and an innocent young woman would still be healthy. Was he going to be a threat to society? Was he a violent criminal? I think not; he was a scared young man. But according to Chief Darby, Myers followed department policy for pursuits and acted accordingly. Chief Darby, can you not read? He did not follow policy, he used no common sense, and he acted with no regard for human life. But, according to you Chief Darby, he “acted accordingly.” Are you a complete idiot or what? They MUST terminate the pursuit when you are going to kill people for no good reason. I guess a traffic ticket is a good reason according to our police department.

Brandon was guilty of being young and scared and your officer chased him into his grave. Officer Myers, I truly feel sorry for you, for you must bear for the rest of your life the results of your overly-aggressive actions. Unfortunately, it seems like there are a lot of people who become policemen only for the power hungry “high” they receive when they abuse the power that we the people entrusted them with.

It’s time for a change and I hope it happens soon before somebody else needlessly dies. Mayor Hedges, please do something positive for the people of Portland. Protect us from our out-of-control police department and make some positive changes. They are like a runaway train, treating the people of this community like prisoners of war. We need mature, responsible, level-headed, God-fearing people who want to help their fellow man while wearing a badge. Obviously we have very few of them. Just because you have a gun and a badge you are not God.

Somebody asked me what I would like to see come out of all this. That is a very tough question, for which there are no easy answers.

For starters I would like to hear the police department and the mayor’s office admit that their officer made a mistake. If they can not do this, then Mayor Hedges and Chief Darby should step down and let someone take over who has a little backbone and can admit when one of Portland’s citizens have been mistreated. For if you don’t, you are truly gutless cowards.

Secondly, we need stricter employment standards and higher pay for our police force. We need to attract a more intelligent and caring sort of person, and we can not do that with our current pay scale. We also need written into law a criminal punishment for law enforcement who abuse their authority and don’t follow proper operating procedure, especially when it results in wrongful death. Finally, can someone look my sister in the eye and tell her why this kind of thing happens all across America and nobody has the guts to stop it?

Brandon Hilbert was a great young man who had his whole life ahead of him. I loved and cared about him a lot. I showed it in my own funny ways, but I truly believe he knew how I felt. I will not be satisfied nor will I stop until somehow something positive comes out of this madness. I will always love and remember “Big B.”

Brian R. McGalliard

Portland[[In-content Ad]]



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