July 23, 2014 at 2:10 p.m.

Voting can help change the system (10/28/06)

Letters to the Editor

To the editor:

As we approach election day the political armies are growing uglier. Slanders and accusations are being hurled quicker than a Randy Johnson fastball.

Here is one side you won't hear on any television commercial: Politicians are DIVIDERS, not UNITERS.

Think about it. What is the first thing you have to do when you walk into the polls. You are made to choose a side, Democrat or Republican (in the primary). What if you don't want to choose a side? Well it's simple, you don't vote - at least in the primaries.

And how does your vote count the most? When you win. Doesn't it feel good when the guy/gal you voted for wins? You probably feel like a winner also. I think that keeping the United States (We the people) divided into sides will produce more money for our representatives to spend on vacations, jets, limos, condos and all the other essentials a true politician needs to do his job.

Now we hear that the political side that raises the most money usually wins the election. So now if we want to be a winner and for our vote to count we need to send more money. Why can't we vote for the individual running instead of the side they are running on? Why are there three sides in the first place? It comes down to power. And you know what comes with power ... money.

Do you really think that everyone on the Republican ticket is in total support in the "Republican Way?" Do you think the individuals on the Democrat ticket are in total support of the "Democrat Way?" Of course not, but they, too, were told they had to choose a side.

I don't know about you, but I would like to know what happened to the "American Way."

I enjoy the Hannity and Colmes show on FOX, but our media has become as vocal as any politician trying to achieve your vote for one side or the other. If you're a Democrat you watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC. If you are a Republican you watch FOX.

Anybody else out there ready for a change? How about a complete clean-out? You know, just like what you do when your refrigerator is full of old stale food. You throw it out and get fresh, don't you?

Well, that is my suggestion. Tired of the old stale government? Let's throw it out and get new. You can do that by voting. And the election coming up is where it starts.

Don't wait for the Presidential election to try and make a change. Start at the bottom and work up. Your vote could be the one that counts the most.

Jon Rodeffer


Truly blessed

To the editor:

What a great community we live in. I have been trying to find the words to show how much my family and I have appreciated all the support and prayers through Eric and Aaron's medical situations over the last several months, but every time I try I get so blessed that it brings me to tears.

For those who don't know, on June 20 Eric (who moved to Chicago) was in a serious motorcycle accident. He was blessed because he shouldn't have lived through an accident of this kind and instead ended up with a broken arm that required major surgery and physical therapy. He is doing great.

A month ago I took Aaron in for what I thought was possibly shin splints or some other sports-related injury or strain. Imagine my surprise when the doctor came back with the x-ray and it showed a tumor in his leg. Aaron has had the tumor removed, and is currently on crutches and doing fine. The tumor is benign.

I truly believe that the endings in both incidents were answers to prayer. I've been asked how can I say Eric's accident was an answer to prayer. I can say it because Eric's motorcycle was in 10 pieces and he hit a guardrail. No, I didn't know he was going to have an accident, but praying for my family daily and having others pray for them, too, does work. He is alive. The prayers for Eric's arm to heal properly and no infection/rejection of the rod and screws put in were also answered.

With Aaron it was harder because all of the unknowns. When you hear the word tumor so many things go through your mind. There are so many churches, friends and co-workers praying for him that it gave me so much comfort that even though I was concerned I still felt a calmness about it after the initial shock.

A special thank you to our soccer family (the team, coaches and parents). Their support was unbelievable, starting with the hugs at the senior dinner when just hours before I found out about the tumor the hugs made me cry but yet comforted knowing they truly cared and wanted to help.

The cards and notes, e-mails and phone calls that kept coming to check on him were so encouraging, and the non-stop prayers were all gifts from the Lord. Thank you.

Thank you to everyone all over Jay and Blackford counties (I work in Montpelier) that took the time to show how much they cared. It was appreciated more than you will ever know.

Sue Ann McLaughlin


Scout thanks

To the editor:

Pennville Boy Scout Troop 212 would like to thank those who helped with the Fall Boy Scout Camparee, held at the Jay County Fairgrounds.

A special thanks to the fair board, Tom Zimmerman, Bryant Combine Parts, Bandido's, the Rev. Terry Bye and Dale Widman.

Thank you,

Steve Nibarger,

scoutmaster, Pennville

Boy Scout Troop[[In-content Ad]]



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