July 27, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.

Jay Co. book charges, class fees

Elementary, middle, high schools have fees

High school
Introduction to Accounting — $7.14 plus $46.50 for study guide and supplies.
Advanced Accounting — $6.59 plus $32.92 for study guide and supplies.
Business Math — $7.62 plus $1.46 fee.
Business Law and Ethics — $7.66.
Preparing for College/Careers — $13.13 fee.
Digital Citizenship — $11.20 plus $5.72 fee.
Entrepreneurship and New Ventures — $7.11 plus $4.90 fee.
Principles of Marketing — $8.46 plus $19.92 workbook.
Personal Financial Responsibility — $6.73 plus $11.16 fee.
Web Design — $9.83 plus $4.90 fee.
Principles of Business Management — $7.22.
Computer Tech Support — $10.32.
Professional Career Internship — Free Online.

English 9/Honors English 9 — $5.84 plus $5.83 fee.
English 10 — $5.84 plus $5.71 fee.
Honors English 10 — $5.84 plus $4.58 fee.
English 11 — $5.84 plus $6.51 fee.
English 11 College — $5.84 plus $3.30 fee.
English 12 — $5.84 plus $6.51 fee.
English 12 College — $5.84 plus $3.90 fee.
Advanced English/Language 103 and 104 College Credit — $8.04 fee.
Creative Writing — $6.81 fee.
Journalism — $8.52.
Advanced Speech (DC-Ivy Tech) — $17.98 plus $20 fee.
Student Publications — $9 fee.

Family and Consumer Science
Advanced Nutrition and Foods I — $7.98 plus $31.26 fee.
Child Development — $6.84 plus $5 fee.
Advanced Child Development — $6.84 plus $5 fee.
Culinary Arts and Hospitality — $11.83 plus $56 fee.
Fashion and Textiles — $8.12 plus $5 fee.
Fashion and Textiles L1 — $8.12 plus $12 fee.
Fashion and Textiles L2 — $8.12 plus $15 fee.
Interpersonal Relations — $7.44 plus $20.86 fee.
Nutrition and Wellness — $7.40 plus $25.10 fee.
Advanced Culinary Arts — $11.49 plus $30 fee.
Human Development (Family Relations) — $7.44 plus $16.86 fee.
Education Professions I/ED Ivy — $18.32.
Human Services I — $15 fee.
Adult Roles and Responsibilities II — $7.44 plus $22.46 fee.
Introduction to Housing and Interior Design — $8.25 plus $24.38 fee.

Fine Arts/Music
Advanced Concert Band/Percussion — $25 fee.
Intermediate Concert Band/Percussion — $25 fee.
Intermediate Band (9) — $20 fee.
Advanced Band (10-12) — $20 fee.
Dance Performance (Guard) — $20 fee.
Music Theory AP — $9.97 plus $82 test fee.
Electronic Music — $15 fee.
Music Theory and Composition — $13.50 fee.
Advanced Choir/Patriot Edition — $20 fee.
Advanced Choir/Just Treble — $20 fee.
Advanced Choir/Danza Cantata — $20 fee.
Advanced Fine Arts Music Appreciation — $10.32.

Fine Arts/Art
Introduction to Two Dimensional Art — $20 fee.
Photography — $30 fee.
Ceramics I, II, and III — $50 fee.
Drawing I — $11 fee.
Drawing II — $14 fee.
Drawing III — $15 fee.
Painting I, II, and III — $75 fee.
Jewelry — $30 fee.

Fine Arts/Theatre
Technical Theatre/Scenic Design — $7.83 plus $10.17 fee.
Theatre Arts — $7.83 plus $2 fee.
Theatre Arts I — $7.83 plus $8.17 fee.
Advanced Technical Theatre/Canada — $7.83 plus $2.17 fee.
Theatre Arts II/Canada II — $7.83 plus $2.17 fee.
Advanced Technical Theatre/Costuming — $7.83 plus $15 fee.
Advanced Fine Arts Theatre Appreciation/DC — $10.
Advanced Technical Theatre/Shakespeare — $7.83 plus $5.17 fee.
Theatre Arts Special Topics — $7.83 plus $8.17 fee.
Advanced Theatre Arts III (Theatre Production) — $7.83 plus $10.17 fee.
Technical Theatre/Children’s Theatre — $7.70 plus $2 fee.
Technical Theatre/Storytelling — $7.83 plus $2 fee.

Foreign Language
French I — $13.75 plus $4.14 fee.
French II — $13.75 plus $4.14 fee.
French III, IV, and V — $13.75 plus $4.14 fee.
French Language AP — $13.75 plus $4.14 fee plus $82 test fee.
German I — $8.93 plus $17.26 fee.
German II — $8l.93 plus $17.26 fee.
German III DC — $8.60 plus $1.54 fee.
German IV and V DC — $8.87 plus $1.54 fee.
German Language AP — $8.87 plus $1.54 fee plus $82 test fee.
Latin I — $3.70 plus $5.25 fee.
Latin II — $3.70 plus $5.25 fee.
Latin III — $6.05 plus $5.25 fee.
Latin IV and V — $7.41 plus $5.25 fee.
Spanish I — $9.90 plus $2.44 fee.
Spanish II — $9.90 plus $2.44 fee.
Spanish III — $9.90 plus $2.44 fee.
Spanish IV and V DC — $14.61 plus $2.44  fee.

Health, Physical Education and
Driver Education
Elective Physical Education (Body Conditioning) — $3 fee.
Elective Physical Education (Recreational) — $3 fee.
Physical Education I and II — $3 fee.
Health Education — $9.79 plus $1 fee.
Driver Education — $310 fee.

Algebra 1 — $9.82 plus $31 fee.
Algebra 1-4 — $9.82 plus $38.50 fee.
Algebra 2 — $10.67 plus $1.50 fee.
Algebra 2-4 — $10.67 plus $1.50 fee.
Geometry — $10.17 plus $4 fee.
Pre-Calculus — $15.09 plus $1.50 fee.
Advanced Math/College Algebra DC — $22.62 plus $54.97 fee.
Calculus — $13.34 plus $3.50 fee.
Advanced Math/Calculus College Credit — $6.16 plus $1.50 fee.

Pennville Alternative School — $11 plus $39 fee.
Basic Skills Development Math — $27.50 fee.
Early College Prep-Basic Skills Development — $10 fee.

Anatomy and Physiology DC — $14.10 plus $25 fee.
Biology I — $11.25 plus $10 fee.
Chemistry I — $11.54 plus $10 fee.
Earth and Space Science — $10.71 plus $10 fee.
Integrated Chemistry-Physics — $11.34 plus $10 fee.
Biology II DC — $19.65 plus $15 fee.
Physics — $10.58 plus $10 fee.
Advanced Science Physics II — $26.82.
Physics 110 (Ball State College Credit) — $19.86.
Chemistry II DC — $19.66 plus $171.51 fee.
Chemistry Advanced Placement — $19,.66 plus $20 fee.
Social Studies
Current Problems, Issues and Events — $1.92 plus $2.50 fee.
Economics — $13.09 plus $2.50 fee.
Economics AP — $22.69 plus $19.06 fee plus $82 test fee.
Geography and History of the World — $15.57 plus $5.29 fee.
Psychology — $12.77 plus $7.75 fee.
Sociology — $12.77 plus $2.50 fee.
U.S. Government — $13.09 plus $2.50 fee.
U.S. History — $12.02 plus $2.50 fee.
World History and Civilization — $13.30 plus $2.50 fee.
Psychology AP — $16.09 plus $2.50 fee plus $82 test fee.
U.S. History Honors/Dual Credit — $18.56 plus $2.50 fee.
Asian Studies/Topics in History — $7.08 plus $2.50 fee.

Special Classes
Community Involvement — $2.75 plus $10 fee.
Home Living — $10.51 plus $10 fee.
Household and Money Management —$9.79 plus $12 fee.
Law and Politics — $5.36 plus $10 fee.
Personal Safety and Interpersonal Relations — $9.31 plus $10 fee.
Self Advocacy — $8.50 plus $13 fee.
Transition — $10.28 plus $7 fee.
Transportation — $2.75 plus $10 fee.
Work Adjustment — No charge.
Functional Life Skills — $20 fee.
Adaptive Physical Education — $3 fee.
Community Work — No charge.
Study — No charge.

Vocational Agriculture
Natural Resource Management DC/Ivy 115 — $33 fee.
Advanced Life Science: Animals DC/Purdue — $37 fee.
Agriculture Power, Structure and Tech — $75 fee.
Agriculture Business Management DC — $28 fee.
Animal Science — $14.78 plus $37 fee.
Introduction to Agriculture — $50 fee.
Horticulture Science II — $42 fee.
Landscape Management I/DC — $17.36 plus $25 fee.
Plant and Soil Science — $39 fee.
Food Science — $47 fee.
Advanced Career and Tech Education/Sustainable Energy Alternatives — $75 fee.
Animal Science/Animal Production — $33 fee.
Horticulture Science I — $42 fee.
Landscape Management II — $25 fee.

Vocational Department
Principles of Biomedical Science/PLTW First Year — $33.72 fee.
Human Body Systems/PLTW Second Year — $1.40 plus $33.72 fee.
Medical Intervention/PLTW Third Year — $1.81 plus $24 fee.
Biomedical Innovation/PLTW Fourth Year — $1.25 plus $24 fee.
Health Science I DC (Vocational Health Occupations) — $100.47 plus $40 fee.
Health Science II (Nursing) — $40 fee.
Health Science CNA — $47.25 plus $71 fee.
Graphic Imaging Technology I and II — $9.62 plus $61.98 fee.
Graphic Design Introduction — $8.60 plus $40 fee.
Graphic Design and Layout I and II DC — $8.60 plus $40 fee.
Radio/TV Introduction — $7.46 plus $20 fee.
Advanced Radio/TV I DC — $27.09 plus $117.95 fee.
Advanced Radio/TV II DC — $59.80 plus $20 fee.
Radio/TV II DC — $59.80 plus $20 fee.
Advanced Electronics Tech I/DC — $58.45 fee.
Advanced Electronics Tech II/DC — $40 fee.
Electronics I Introduction (Ninth Grade) — $21.50 fee.
Electronics I (Tenth Grade) — $28.65 fee.
Automation and Robotics I — $40 fee.
Agricultural Power Structure and Tech/Building — $50 fee.
Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing DC — $50 fee.
Advanced Manufacturing I DC — $50 fee.
Fire Rescue I (Offered at South Adams High School) — To be determined.
Automobile Services Tech I DC (Offered at South Adams) — $10.04 plus $10 fee.
Automobile Services Tech II DC (Offered at South Adams) — $10.04 plus $10 fee.
Diesel Tech (Offered at South Adams) — $10.04 plus $10 fee.
Precision Machine I and II (Offered at South Adams) — $22.25 plus $75 fee.
Trade and Industrial Co-op Machine (Offered at South Adams) — $22.25 plus $75 fee.
Note: South Adams fees subject to change.

Bring Your Own Device Lease — $75.22.

Student Activity Fee — $4.

Middle School
Grade 8
English — $16.14.
Reading/Literature — $21.49.
Resource Literature/Reading — $6.99 plus $12.97 fee.
Mathematics — $17.68 plus $4.97 fee.
Advanced Math and Algebra I — $20.20 plus $4.97 fee.
Social Studies — $20.99.
Science — $21.60 plus $3 fee.
Health — $4.20.
Practical Arts — $2.89 plus $4 fee.
Computer Technology — $3 fee.
Choir/Band — $4 fee.
Art — $4 fee.
Music — $4.18 plus $1 fee.
On-line Safety — $2.60.
Read 180 — $32.64.
Student Agenda — $4.50.
Student Handbook — No charge.

Grade 7
English — $16.14.
Literature — $21.49.
Resource Literature/Reading — $6.99 plus $12.97 fee.
Mathematics — $17.68 plus $4.97 fee.
Advanced Math — $17.68 plus $4.97 fee.
Social Studies — $19.74.
Science — $21.60 plus $3 fee.
Health — $3.99.
Technology — $2.89 plus $4 fee.
Applying Life Skills — $2.89 plus $4 fee.
Computer Technology — $3 fee.
Choir/Band — $4 fee.
Art — $4 fee.
Music — $4.18 plus $1 fee.
On-line Safety — $2.60 fee.
Read 180 — $32.64 fee.
Student Agenda — $4.50 fee.
Student Handbook — No charge.

Grade 6
English — $16.14.
Reading/Literature — $21.49.
Resource Literature/Reading — $6.99 plus $12.97 fee.
Mathematics — $17.38 plus $4.97 fee.
Advanced Math — $17.68 plus $4.97 fee.
Social Studies — $19.74.
Science — $21.60 plus $3 fee.
Health — $3.85.
Technology — $2.89 plus $4 fee.
Applying Life Skills — $2.89 plus $4 fee.
Computer Technology — $3 fee.
Choir/Band — $4 fee.
Art — $3.05 plus $4 fee.
Music — $4.05 plus $1 fee.
On-line Safety — $2.60 fee.
Read 180 — $32.64 fee.
Student Agenda — $4.50 fee.
Student Handbook — No charge.

Kindergarten — $108.
First grade — $122.
Second grade — $108.
Third grade — $130.
Fourth grade — $121.
Fifth grade — $124.



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