October 3, 2016 at 7:18 p.m.

Industrial park expansions proposed

Industrial park expansions proposed
Industrial park expansions proposed

By Nathan Rubbelke-

Construction of the Bluff Point Wind Energy Center could mean bolstered industrial parks in Portland and Dunkirk. 
Bill Bradley, executive director of Jay County Development Corporation, presented Jay County Commissioners a draft proposal Monday to expand the industrial areas in the two communities with funds from an economic development agreement signed with NextEra Energy, developer of the proposed wind farm in southern Jay and northern Randolph counties. 
The monies would also be used to upgrade county roads. 
The agreement with NextEra includes four $249,000 payments, totaling $996,000, that will be distributed over the course of four years, beginning upon commencement of Bluff Point’s construction in 2017.
Bradley said $500,000 will be dedicated to expansion of Portland Industrial Park. 
The project would include two phases to extend access to parcels of land north of county road 100 North that could be used for development.

Phase one includes adding a road into the Industrial Park from country road 100 East. The second phase calls for extending Performance Drive to the north. 
“From my standpoint, this will give us what I call a true industrial park rather than an industrial lane, which is what we’ve had before basically,” Bradley told commissioners Faron Parr, Jim Zimmerman and Doug Inman. 
He added cost figures are still being assessed but estimated the cost for phases one and two come in at around $1.75 million.
Bradley said the funds would be used to try and acquire a matching grant from Indiana Department of Transportation, which could provide another $500,000.
The rest of the funds would likely come from the county and City of Portland’s economic development funds, Bradley said. 
Of the $996,000 to be received, another $200,000 is currently planned to be allocated toward purchasing industrial land in Dunkirk, adjacent or close to its current industrial park. Bradley said sites are currently being identified. 
The final $296,000 would be used for conversion of county roads from stone to hard surfaces. 
Overall, about 50 percent of the funds will be used for expansion of Portland’s Industrial Park, 30 percent for roads and 20 percent for purchasing land in Dunkirk. 
With the potential payments to be staggered over a number of years, it is suggested payments be allocated to projects on an equal basis. 
Bradley said his presentation Monday was simply to introduce the proposal, in attempt to begin conversation. He intends to come back to commissioners and meet with county council in November. 
Meanwhile, commissioners approved for Redkey Faith Ministries, 9811 W. Indiana 67, to be a polling place for the Nov. 8 general election. 
Voters will be notified via first-class mail of the new location, which replaces Redkey’s former town hall, which was torn down this summer. In 2018, voting in the town will move to Redkey’s new fire station, which was built at the site of the former town hall.
In other business, commissioners:
•Gave approval to a draft agreement to complete soil borings on 26 acres that are currently in trust to Carolyn A. Gildersleeve and Edward M. Jasinksi. The land is located in a proposed flood detention plan drafted by engineering firm Butler, Fairman and Suefert. The county would need to acquire the land to execute the engineering firm’s plan, which it presented to commissioners in July.
•Were visited by third graders from Bloomfield Elementary while they took a tour of Jay County Courthouse.
•Approved approximately $10,891 in claims for the retirement center for construction work completed on its barn
•Heard from Linda Gaskill, 9533 W. Indiana 18, Pennville, who relayed concerns she has regarding a proposed confined feeding operation slated to be built near her property. She said the proposed hog barns will add to an already large concentration of CFOs near her property, and specifically made clear concerns about the smell the operations emit and the possibility that they could contaminate her water supply.
Commissioners received a letter of complaint on the same proposed CFO last week. Jay/Portland Building and Planning Director John Hemmelgarn said then that the proposed operation meets all county regulations and requirements. 
•Heard from veterans service officer Cliff Moser that he will go before county council at its next meeting to request approximately $2,275 to fund his office through the end of the year.
•Met with Leo J. Rumschlag, a project manager/bridge inspector from Janssen and Spaans Engineering, Inc. The firm will be filing a letter of interest to complete the county’s bridge inspection.
•Approved county assessor Diana Stults to sign a lease agreement for a new Canon copier for her office. The copier will cost $98.96 per month for 63 months, and the agreement includes a $1 purchase option following its completion. 
•Heard from Sheriff Dwane Ford that his department had to get a new police dog after it had issues with Ties, the K-9 it received last month.
•Chose Milestone Contractors, L.P. to complete paving on the retirement center’s driveway and parking lot. The company’s quote came in at $20,713.80 and will be funded through the county’s infrastructure fund. 



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