February 28, 2017 at 4:01 a.m.
Copyright 2017, The Commercial Review
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Jay County teachers will again have the opportunity to earn grant funds for recycling-related projects.
Jay County Solid Waste Management District educator Bettie Jacobs told the board Monday that she plans to send letters out soon requesting applications for its education grant program.
The district instituted the program in 2016, setting aside $10,000 for grants for recycling-related activities in schools. In the first year, the board approved all three of the proposals it received, totaling $1,600. It kept $10,000 in the budget this year, hoping to expand the program.
Grants in 2016 were used to create an outdoor classroom/learning garden at Westlawn Elementary and to form a “Makerspace” — an area of “self-directed learning” focusing on creativity andproblem solving — at both Redkey and Westlawn elementary schools.
Grants are limited to $1,000 per project.
In other business, board members Jeanne Houchins, Doug Inman, Chuck Huffman, Randy Geesaman, Bill Gibson and Tom Johnson, absent Mike Leonhard:
•Reviewed the three-month personnel review for district coordinator Samantha Rhodehamel. “Overall, I feel that Samantha has done a great job,” said Houchins, the board president. “She jumped in … and took off running with this position.”
•Decided to allow Rhodehamel to coordinate advertising as she sees fit within the established budget.
•Heard a request from West Jay Optimist Club to increase the amount paid to groups that staff Saturday recycling trailers. Groups are currently paid $125 for each three-hour shift. Houchins said the board will take the request under consideration at future meetings.
•Asked Rhodehamel to get quotes for widening and adding stone to the driveway and parking area at the district office.
•Learned that the district brought in $22,449 in tipping fees this month on 12,957.65 tons dumped at Jay County Landfill. The district now has a total balance of 454,369.64.
•Received a copy of Jacobs’ upcoming schedule, which includes a long list of presentations at local elementary schools.
•Accepted Phil Ford’s resignation from itscitizens advisory committee.
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Jay County teachers will again have the opportunity to earn grant funds for recycling-related projects.
Jay County Solid Waste Management District educator Bettie Jacobs told the board Monday that she plans to send letters out soon requesting applications for its education grant program.
The district instituted the program in 2016, setting aside $10,000 for grants for recycling-related activities in schools. In the first year, the board approved all three of the proposals it received, totaling $1,600. It kept $10,000 in the budget this year, hoping to expand the program.
Grants in 2016 were used to create an outdoor classroom/learning garden at Westlawn Elementary and to form a “Makerspace” — an area of “self-directed learning” focusing on creativity and
Grants are limited to $1,000 per project.
In other business, board members Jeanne Houchins, Doug Inman, Chuck Huffman, Randy Geesaman, Bill Gibson and Tom Johnson, absent Mike Leonhard:
•Reviewed the three-month personnel review for district coordinator Samantha Rhodehamel. “Overall, I feel that Samantha has done a great job,” said Houchins, the board president. “She jumped in … and took off running with this position.”
•Decided to allow Rhodehamel to coordinate advertising as she sees fit within the established budget.
•Heard a request from West Jay Optimist Club to increase the amount paid to groups that staff Saturday recycling trailers. Groups are currently paid $125 for each three-hour shift. Houchins said the board will take the request under consideration at future meetings.
•Asked Rhodehamel to get quotes for widening and adding stone to the driveway and parking area at the district office.
•Learned that the district brought in $22,449 in tipping fees this month on 12,957.65 tons dumped at Jay County Landfill. The district now has a total balance of 454,369.64.
•Received a copy of Jacobs’ upcoming schedule, which includes a long list of presentations at local elementary schools.
•Accepted Phil Ford’s resignation from its
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