June 20, 2023 at 6:59 p.m.

Bids expected by end of summer

Architecture firm will present designs at July board meeting
Bids expected by end of summer
Bids expected by end of summer

Bidding is around the corner.

Jay School Corporation superintendent Jeremy Gulley updated Jay School Board on several upcoming projects during its meeting Monday.

Gulley told the board plans are moving forward for the construction of a “cleathouse” — it will include locker rooms, restrooms and concession areas — at the northeast end of the Jay County Junior-Senior High School football field and the installation of synthetic turf. Dana Wannemacher of architecture firm Barton Coe Vilamaa will visit the board to present designs next month. The goal is to put the projects out for bid in early September and award bids at the board meeting later that month.

The timeline calls for the cleathouse and turf to be in place for the fall 2024 season.

The school board approved the $3.15 million cleathouse and $1.25 million synthetic turf installation in January as part of an overall $6.1 million capital improvement project that is mostly focused on outdoor athletic facilities.

The other major project that is in the planning stages is a renovation of the commons area to give it more of a collegiate/commercial look. That will include more variety in the types of seating available, including traditional larger tables — rectangular and circular — with attached seating, booths, tables at bar height, individual seating and other options. Some tables will also have “power reload units” to allow students and visitors to charge devices.

Gulley said the school corporation is currently working with food service provider Chartwells on the project with bids expected in August and the work to be completed by the end of 2023.

Gulley also updated the board on new legislation impacting education, noting that perhaps the most noteworthy is the elimination of textbook fees.

House Bill 1001 passed this year eliminates the fees with the state allocating $160 million to cover those costs.

Gulley said Jay School Corporation is projected to receive about $150 per student per year from the state to pay for those materials.

The law does not apply to preschool programs. It is also unclear if it applies to driver education and Latchkey.

Business manager Shannon Current also provided updates on the school corporation’s use of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds provided through federal coronavirus relief bills.

Jay Schools has spent and been reimbursed for 75% of the $10.3 million it received through three rounds of ESSER and the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER). Current noted that deadlines required ESSER II funds to be encumbered by the end of September and spent by mid December, with ESSER III deadlines set for the same months in 2024.

In other business, the board:

•Heard comments from Brandyn Towell regarding the school corporation’s dress code. She cited an instance when her daughter and others were issued dress code violations, saying she feels the dress code is subjective and inconsistently enforced.

She asked that the school board review the code and consider changes. (At the end of the meeting, Vormohr thanked the Towell family and said she feels it’s important that the board listen when such requests are made.)

•Learned online registration at jayschoolcorp.org for the 2023-24 school year will begin July 10. In-person registration will be available from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 7 p.m. July 17. Transportation requests must be completed by July 21. The first day of school is Aug. 10.

•Approved the following: Contracts with Traci Clark of Hillside Therapy and Katie Southworth for occupational therapy assistant services; extracurricular assignments including Andrea Garringer as girls tennis coach; a civility and decorum policy that lays out rules for anyone on school grounds or at school-sponsored events; appointing Sara Farris to the Morton S. Hawkins Community Trust board; and setting lunch fees at $3.05 for elementary school and $3.30 for high school, both the minimum required via federal rules.

•Accepted the retirement of seventh grade math teacher Tammy Boltz, the resignations of teachers Andrew Schmit (junior high social studies), Derek Wilker (seventh grade science), Mikayla Post (East Jay fifth grade), Emily Muhlenkamp (Redkey/West Jay physical education and technology) and the resignation of bus driver Isaac Rogers.

•Approved the hiring of teachers Katie Daniels (junior-senior high biomedical science), Kerri Wright (junior high life skills), Donna Dayton (junior high English), Jessica Steed (East Jay fifth grade) and Michael Schlechty (Redkey/West Jay physical education and technology). And approved a continued adjunct teacher agreement with junior high art teacher Kim Anderson.

•Learned from Current that the 2024 budget calendar calls for seeking permission to advertise July 31, holding a public hearing Aug. 21 and adopting the budget Sept. 18. The deadline for adoption is Nov. 1.

•Heard from Gulley that there are fewer staffing vacancies than usual this summer. There are currently three openings at the junior-senior high level and one in the elementary schools.

•Accepted donations of $1,000 from the Steve Ritchie Family to Bloomfield Elementary School to upgrade cots at the nurse’s station and $750 each to Redkey and West Jay elementary schools from the Shea M. Briar Memorial Fund for student supplies.

•Heard from Gulley that a meeting is planned with school and Portland officials to discuss potential traffic issues with relation to road closures for the replacement of the Indiana 26 bridge over the Salamonie River on the east side of the city and the Meridian Street storm sewer project.

•Received the wellness plan assessment from assistant superintendent Trent Paxson. The school corporation is meeting most of its goals. One of those will be addressed as staff teaches a healthy heart unit in physical education classes this year. The other goal to be improved upon involves promoting nutrition in team and intramural sports.



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