April 8, 2024 at 9:32 p.m.
Dunkirk City Council

Premiums, deductibles up

Dunkirk's insurance costs are up by 16.6% for 2024

Insurance costs are going up.

Dunkirk City Council on Monday approved a contract with Barnum and Brown Insurance for the bulk of its insurance policies for the city at a 16.6% increase in cost over the previous year.

Aaron Walter of Barnum and Brown, Dunkirk, said the public risk insurance sector has been hit hard recently. He added that Barnum and Brown has paid out slightly more than 100% of what it has received in premiums from the city over the last five years.

He explained that because of the high amount of claims and resulting payouts, only one underwriter was willing to provide a quote. Several others declined.

The updated policy Walter presented Monday keeps commercial general liability and employee benefits liability deductibles the same as they were a year ago. 

Deductibles for management liability for public officials, employment practices liability, law enforcement liability and property damage are all going up, with the last three on that list coming in at $25,000.

On the positive side, Walter said, the city’s umbrella policy increased to $4 million in coverage and its cyber policy has been enhanced.

Overall, the city is seeing its premium increase to $112,255.25 this year, up from $96,240 in 2023. 

“If I could make this better, I would have,” said Walter, promising that he would continue to work on the policy. (He noted that if the city has fewer claims, it’s possible that deductibles and premiums could come down.)

Council member Jesse Bivens advocated for the policy, saying he believes it is the best the city can hope for currently. Walter agreed, saying he would have expected a 10% to 15% increase even without the high amount of claims.

Council members Christy Curts, Dan Watson, Donna Revolt, Randy Murphy and Bivens unanimously approved the bulk of the policy — $107,542.25 — with the remainder having already been handled via renewals earlier this year.

Also Monday, council seemed to reach an agreement on its street-cutting ordinance as Watson suggested minor changes from the draft proposal. (The ordinance is intended to require anyone cutting a street for a project, such as utility work, to restore it to the same or better condition.) He suggested the permit fee be $500 for both above-ground and below-ground work. He also suggested that fines be “not to exceed” $750 for failure to comply for above-ground work and $3,000 for below-ground work.

His fellow council members agreed, and city attorney Wes Schemenaur said he will make the updates and have the ordinance ready for a vote at the April 22 council meeting.

In other business, council:

•Received an update from Schemenaur regarding a question Watson previously asked about the status of planned solar facilities in the county. He said Leeward Renewable Energy, which is planning Rose Gold Solar just north of Dunkirk, is on Jay County Council’s agenda for Wednesday.

•Heard an update regarding the city’s detention basin project, with Mayor Jack Robbins noting that there is some work left to be done including fixing washed-out walls, grass seeding and other work. He said $88,500 has been held back to ensure that the work is completed.

•Approved the following: a $200 sponsorship for West Jay Community Center; the purchase of a new pump for the city’s water department for removing water during water main breaks for $10,631; $6,893.23 in repairs through Right Way Collision of Albany to a 2021 Dodge Durango police vehicle that was recently in an accident involving a utility pole; and payment of claims totaling $179,355.13.

•Heard from Revolt that Dunkirk City Pool will continue to accept applications for summer jobs through April 23, with several more lifeguards needed. She noted that the tentative opening day for the facility will be Saturday, June 1. She added that season passes will not be offered this year after the facility received complaints in 2023 when it was unable to open because of cool temperatures. Admission will be $3 per day, and 50-cent nights will replace quarter nights this year.

•Was reminded by Robbins that street construction in downtown Albany is underway and an Indiana Department of Transportation project to remove a bridge between the city and the Indiana 67/Indiana 28 split to the southwest is expected to begin Wednesday. He cautioned that the city might see more traffic as a result.

•Heard from Robbins that Independence Day fireworks at Dunkirk City Park are scheduled for dusk on Saturday, June 29.

•Learned Lowe has made arrangements for the city to purchase its gas from Pak-a-Sak for two months while tanks are being moved at the Marathon station. Robbins noted that, because Pak-a-Sak does not sell diesel fuel, city vehicles that use diesel will refuel at the city’s street department.

•Asked Schemenaur to check on the status of the city’s ordinance relating to COVID-19. The ordinance was last addressed in May 2022 when the council agreed to update the ordinance to allow employees to take five days of paid leave in one calendar year if required to isolate or quarantine, reduced from the previous 14. (Council was unclear if the ordinance had been formally approved.)

•Heard from clerk-treasurer Kara Lowe that she is naming Melissa Bantz as deputy clerk. She plans to advertise for the open clerical assistant position with the city.

•Learned from Robbins that Cody Mumbower has resigned as the city’s zoning officer.

•Was reminded by Bivens that Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department will hold a boot drive from 3 to 5 p.m. April 19.

•Learned from Bivens that the city will be flushing fire hydrants from April 29 through May 3.

•Heard a reminder from Curts that permits are required to hold garage sales in the city. They are $5 and can be obtained at the city building.

•Tabled discussion of the city’s golf cart ordinance.




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