County supports additional access
Locations have been identified in Jay County that are in need of better access to internet, and funding is available to change the broadband outlook. One service provider is throwing its hat in the ring.
Purchasing vac, sweeper
Dunkirk City Council approved the purchase of a street sweeper and a new vacuum truck during its meeting on Monday.
County adjusts scope of contract
Commissioners heard from Integrated Public Safety Commission statewide interoperability coordinator Andrea Baughn and OK’d moving forward with a change in scope in the contract with Ritter Strategic Services during their meeting Monday.
Tax changes questioned
State Sen. Travis Holdman (R-Markle) and State Reps. J.D. Prescott (R-Union City) and Matt Lehman (R-Berne) shared legislative session updates Saturday at John Jay Center for Learning.
Taxes top the list
State Sen. Travis Holdman (R-Markle) and State Reps. J.D. Prescott (R-Union City) and Matt Lehman (R-Berne) shared legislative session updates Saturday at John Jay Center for Learning.
Commissioners discuss altering radio contract
Commissioners met with Barry Ritter and other representatives of Ritter Strategic Services on Thursday to discuss potentially altering the county’s contract. Commissioners didn’t make a decision Thursday, noting they will revisit the topic at their meeting Monday.
Redevelopment Commission to look at engineering contract
County officials entered into an interlocal agreement with Jay County Redevelopment Commission in November to use remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds for a housing project in Portland.
Electrical upgrades OK’d for Runkle-Miller
Portland Park Board awarded a $20,200 contract Tuesday to Coppersmith Electric for upgrades at Portland Memorial Park’s Runkle-Miller Field.
Council members discuss noise complaint
Portland City Council on Monday talked about the possibility of updating the city’s noise ordinance after receiving a written complaint from resident Gary Dennis regarding church services that are being held at Jay Community Center.
FR seeks assistant administrator
Fort Recovery Village Council heard plans Monday from village administrator Randy Diller to begin advertising and taking applications for the new position.
Kimball to leave county role
Jay County’s community coordinator has resigned. Nate Kimball, who has held the position since summer 2023, submitted his resignation in late November.
Redkey council OKs Fisher abatement
Redkey Town Council approved new tax abatements Tuesday for the local business.
County approves transfer of parcel to DIDC
Jay County Commissioners approved a resolution Monday to transfer ownership of 303 S. Main St., Dunkirk, to nonprofit Dunkirk Industrial Development Corporation.
Working toward TIFs
On Monday, Dunkirk City Council gave Mayor Jack Robbins and city attorney Wes Schemenaur the OK to begin the process of creating TIF districts in the area of a planned housing project and the Main Street corridor.
County funding may be coming to JCDC
Jay County Commissioners agreed Monday to move forward with contributing $100,000 in economic development income tax (EDIT) funds to the organization.
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